Chapter 10

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"Welcome to Camelot Music," I called upon hearing the doorbell go off. I couldn't quite see who it was yet, but I had to say that every. Single. Time. Otherwise, Cody, my dickhead of a manager would have my throat.

"Tell me again, what's the best Metallica album you all have here, and why?" I heard, a familiar curly top coming into view.

"Eddie," I breathed in relief, hobbling to hug him over the counter.

Cody coughed from across the store, watching my every move, so we broke the hug off early. I rolled my eyes.

"Right- um- Ride The Lightning?" I squinted, preparing for disappointment to flood my boyfriend's eyes.

"Yes!" He clapped his hands together once in excitement. "And?"

"It's the best because- um-" I looked to the ceiling, as if it would aid my memory, "A new bassist and lead guitarist basically reestablished the band, though it had good bones- opening up even faster, better music with even more lyrical and um-"

"-artistic qualities, you've been listening," Eddie praised in a sing-song, pride seeping out of his aura. "My girlfriend's a total metal-head."

I blushed, though the word "girlfriend" still felt pretty foreign. It had been about a week since the attack, and ever since, we'd been slowly repairing our psyches. We hadn't much felt like we were in a relationship so much as recovering zombies, bumping into each other around the trailer. Mr. Munson was becoming more used to my company, and didn't question it too much, either. He wasn't home much to begin with, but he seemed to believe I was just the totally normal girlfriend, spending the night in our honeymoon phase. While not exactly my style, I was lucky he welcomed me for any reason. I could not stay at home right now.

"So, what are you in for today?" I wondered.

"Oh, you know, whatever I can get an employee discount on," Eddie responded jokingly, raising his voice so Cody could hear.

"Hush, I need this job." I warned, nudging his shoulder gently.

He raised his hands, backing up. "Don't need it, not really."

"Yes, really- I'm not leeching off of you and your family, I'm gonna make some money, get a bike, pay you back for your kindness-" I recounted.

"-yeah, yeah, except that you're not really an expense, and I love having you there." Eddie reminds me, taking my hand delicately.

"Thank you." I looked down at our hands, entwining our fingers. "...I'm gonna pay you back."

"You're relentless." He sighed, picking a pack of smarties off the rack.

I rang him up with my employee discount, peeking at Cody to be sure he wasn't watching.

"I'll see you in a bit?" I asked hopefully.

He popped a few candies in his mouth, scratching his head sheepishly. "I'm gonna head to Brian's, actually,"

"Oh," I blink. "Yeah, that's fine. It's the 4th of July. I'll go bug Steve, come back for me when my shift is over?" I made sure.

"I can do 10." He bumped my elbow with his, pouring a few smarties on the counter. I scooped them up and tossed them down the hatch.

My shift was long and boring. Cody had me on register because I was still not comfortably mobile, so I was standing in one place all day long- aside from my lunch break, in which I hobbled my way down to the Chinese place and back. My shop closed an hour earlier than Scoops Ahoy, I'd come to find, making my way over for the third night in a row.

"Ahoy- oh, Milo, now is actually not the best time, we're kind of in the middle of something, so maybe-" Robin greeted, looking uncomfortably over towards me.

I glanced between her, Steve, Dustin Henderson, and a little girl who seemed to be the one in charge. She had her fingers pressed together, looking a little too much like a mob boss.

"Get. Lost. Nerd." The little girl demanded.

"Is it just me or is this little gremlin one hundred percent controlling this operation?" I asked dryly, dragging a chair over.

"Nuh uh, we already have one more annoying inclusion than I would prefer," Steve snapped.

I frowned. "Is this about the Russians?"

"Yes, but it's bigger than we thought, okay? And we can't have you, hobbling with a bum leg, working as live bait. So, if you would please get lost-" Steve requested through gritted teeth.

Dustin raised his eyebrows, mumbling something.

"What?" Steve asked. "I can't hear you."

"Could we do that? Like, live bait-"

"No, we can't use Milo as live bait!" Steve slapped him up the back of his head.

"I didn't really mean it-" Dustin said with a big, insincere smile.

"Look, do you need my help or not?" Erica snipped, crossing her arms and leaning back.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but Scoops Ahoy is now closed. Happy sailing!" Robin smiled anxiously, pulling my crutches over pointedly.

"Alright, alright. God." I muttered, limping out.

She slammed the gate shut behind me.

I had about 3 hours to kill before Eddie would be here. I could have gone back to his place to wait, but I knew I'd have to go alone- and I really did not have the ability to at the present. It was bad enough I had to ride on the back of a bike here every day with ye olde crunchy leg. Instead, I found myself in the movie theater, watching Goonies again.

I woke up to someone trying and failing to discreetly step over me.

"Oh gosh, sorry-" I adjusted in my seat, allowing enough space for them to slip by.

I checked my watch, heaved a sigh, and grabbed a ticket for Back to the Future as well. Hopefully after my first paycheck I would have enough money to just buy my own damn bike. Cast and going home alone with possessed mothers on the loose be damned- I would have sped back by now if it were just an ounce more convenient.

I fall asleep on this flick as well, only waking up long enough to see Marty go Back to the Future. I gave a yawn, stretching my arms as far as they'll go. My popcorn had taken a tumble, so, in annoyance, I had to pull a piece out of my cast before attempting to rise. I checked my watch again while stuck in the massive crowd- nearly 10, now. There was still a bit of time to kill, but I didn't mind waiting around out front till then. Or that's what I planned before I saw a familiar uniform shuffling through the crowd with me- followed by the rest of the gang.

"Steve!" I gasped in betrayal. "So you guys just wanted to go to the movies without me, that it?"

He flung in place. "Oh god- not right now, Milo- this is a REALLY bad time!"

I almost staggered back at the sight of him. "Um, your face-"

"Yes, thank you for that insight!" Steve hissed, covering my mouth with his hand and looking around wildly.

Shocked at the action, instinct got the better of me, and I bit as hard as I could.

"Ow, what the hell!?" He yelped.

Suddenly, all of the group flicked their heads towards the front- in which I noticed many men with guns were now brazenly pushing through the crowd directly toward us.

"Who the hell are they?" I guffawed.

"Shit, shit, shit-" and already Dustin was off.

"Shut up and run!" Steve stressed, turning and breaking into a sprint.

Oh, no. As if in slow motion, I looked down at my leg, then back up to the approaching men. I registered the fact they were now coming towards me specifically, and I noted the fact that the crowd was horribly cramped for someone on crutches. Sensing this would be another life-threatening event, I gripped my crutches tighter and began to split the crowd with them- forcefully. Adrenaline, please get me through this.

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