Chapter 8

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We scouted the upper level of my house carefully, heads poking from my bedroom doorway. After clearing the area, I crept out first, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. Eddie stuck his tongue out in concentration, following my every step exactly. We miraculously made it to the front, shifting the door open as slowly as I could muster. As soon as we were out, we sprinted away in a mad dash, and I burst into laughter.

"I can't believe I just did that." I gasped, laughing between each breath.

"And we're only getting started," Eddie grinned, hopping onto the bike.

I jumped on the back, gripping his shoulders firmly. He grinned. "Hold on tight."

And we were off. The warm night air was incredible, fluttering through my hair. In the distance the sun was almost completely below the horizon, the smell of summer barbecues floating in the air. It really did only take about 10 minutes. We locked the bike securely to a stand, and he slung his arm around my neck.

"This ok?" He asked, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I nodded quickly.

"Hell yeah." He beamed.

I was enamored by the mall, everything so bright and glowy. There were tons of food options all together, department stores, a movie theater- it was massive and overwhelming. I didn't know where to start. Eddie was taking in my expression, apparently reading it like a book.

"How about we grab some grub?" He suggested.

I nod, squishing into his shoulder a little closer. He gave my arm a squeeze.

"What are you in the mood for?" He wondered gently.

I had not considered this question. Chinese? A sub? Too many options. I had already had dinner- so maybe that narrowed my options.

"Ice cream?" I decided, it coming out like a question.

"I could go for some rocky road." Eddie agreed doing a little head bob.

He led us, weaving through the bustling crowd with ease. It was insanely busy in here, but I felt a little better with him navigating rather than me. I'd never been great at crowds. We passed a few familiar faces, most of them ignoring us. When we came into the shop, Steve Harrington came into view, reading off of a script and in the funniest little shorts I'd ever seen. I perked up, giggling at the view.

"Ahoy, sailors- oh god it's you two." Steve said monotonously, looking up from his scrap of paper.

"Nice hat." I giggled.

He immediately took it off and launched it towards the back of the store. "What can I get you?"

"Could you do a little dance?" Eddie requested, stone faced.

"Don't push your luck. I'm not legally allowed to spit in your ice cream, but-"

"No, no, no." I wave, choking back my laughter. "We'll get out of your hair."

"Rocky road for me, and for m'lady?" Eddie turned expectantly.

"Your lady?" I question, blushing. "That's a new development."

"This is so awkward for me right now." Steve admits, lowering his head to rest on top of the case.

Eddie seemed bashful, not a typical look for him. "I mean, not if you don't want to be, I just thought-"

"No it's okay- I just kind of thought we hadn't yet, that you would ask me-"

"Oh my god, please make your selection and free me from this." Steve pleaded.

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