Chapter 15

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I had hit a bong one other time. In college it was a lot more normalized than high school, and one night- wanting to prove myself to my new friends, and having always been curious about the devil's lettuce- gave it a shot. I coughed until my throat felt like it was inverting, almost throwing up in the process. I had a short high, in which I wanted to fall asleep, and did fall asleep, and haven't touched weed since.

Tonight, once again, the device came out to haunt me. Eddie insisted that I hadn't gotten properly buzzed- and I didn't have to if I didn't want to- but I was with a trusty expert. I wasn't going to do it just because he called me an ice queen one too many times, but I was swayed by that intrusive thought by a sizable margin. I was sat criss-cross in front of him, piece resting in the center of my legs, fumbling with the lighter. He smirked, pulling it gently from my shaky hand and giving it a twirl.

"Allow me," He winked.

With the fluidity of a stream of champagne, he flicked the lighter on and lit the bowl. I basically suctioned my mouth over the top of it, sucked into my lungs- not my mouth, because apparently that was my issue- and immediately blew it back out. I still choked for air, gripping my chest and forcing my jagged wheeze to a stable rhythm. Eddie chuckled, but put a careful hand to my knee, giving a little rub.

"Not bad. You get used to it." He reassured.

He maneuvered it to face him, making short work of the process. He blew the smoke out in a bubble-like shape, obviously very proud of himself, and recaptured it in his mouth. Then with a cheeky grin, he blew it all out at once.

"Nice party trick." I smirked.

"Why, thank you," He dramatized, placing a hand to his heart.

About ten minutes into it I definitely felt something. What that something was, I could not tell- or remember. I just wanted to sleep, mostly, my surroundings wobbly and my thoughts fuzzy. Instead I tucked into a corner of the couch, neck at an awkward angle so as to still be able to see Eddie. He had left and returned a few minutes prior, having raided Rick's closet for interesting clothing pieces. He was now equally splayed out across from me, playing with the lighter, three pairs of sunglasses on at once from an attempt to make me laugh. It had worked. In the background, some metal cassette was playing, and though I was relaxed, I was ready to hear something else.

"Alright, Munson, it's time for me to educate you," I announced, causing him to jump.

Whether he was asleep or I had been very loud, I don't know.

"It's spring break," He drawled out a whine.

"No, no," I flicked my wrist in his general direction, fumbling with the pile of cassettes. I found a good one, popping it open and getting it ready.

"Ok, metal man, open your eyes..." I demanded, pointing at him. He tilted the sunglasses down and widened his eyes exaggeratedly. " real music."

I pushed play, I Don't Wanna Know by Fleetwood Mac beginning. I bob my head, half lidded, utterly blissful.

"Aw, no-" Eddie moaned, but I dragged him from his seat anyway.

"Dance with me?" I hummed, ignoring his disdain.

He seemed surprised, but still reluctant. "How do you dance to flowery stuff?"

"Any way you want," I retort, slowly twirling in place and watching my skirt twirl with me. I giggled at the view, going the opposite way when I began to get dizzier than I could manage. My arms rose on their own, eventually making flowy movements above my head.

Eddie's eyes were trained tight, unwavering on me as I moved around with ease. He was goofily shaking his shoulders to the beat, small smile resting on his expression. But he never looked away from me- even when I couldn't see him, I could feel his gaze. My barefeet tripped up on the carpet and I nearly tumbled over- but lucky for me, the owner of that gaze caught me up quickly, laughing out loud at my clumsiness. Rather than get embarrassed like I usually would, my high boosted my confidence instead, securing the opportunity to force him to dance with me.

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