Chapter 14

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It's a long while before either of us find the need to move. He continues to press himself into my neck- he doesn't want me to see his face in that state. But I know he needs me right now. I break a little inside, wondering how much he needed me all along. We hadn't really gotten the chance to bond like that while we were together- really open up. Something I learned about Eddie when we were together was that he was always taking care of those around him- looking out for the people who didn't have anyone else. Had anyone been looking out for him?

"You know, little grasshopper." He told me casually, voice a normal tone by now. "I counted, 254."


"It's been 254 days since we last talked." He clarified.

I sigh. "That's a lot of days."

"I talked to Harrington- he said your dad was apart of this whole thing," Eddie continued.

"Yeah," I breathed. I wasn't sure what I was allowed to tell him about that.

"I had to learn that from Harrington," Eddie grumbled in disappointment.

I pulled back from our hug to look at him. His lips were pressed tightly together, jaw clenched.

"Eddie, you told me I could leave," I remind, trying not to get upset with him. I'm sure he's in a bad state to talk about anything right now.

Eddie shakes his head, clasping his hands in front of himself. "Yeah, but I expected you to return that energy, like, a little bit- I know you're the ice queen, but-"

"Well, I'm here now." I say placidly. "I hate this stupid town, I hate the memories I have here, and I hate the feeling I get when I recognize a part of it. But I'm here. And more motive than I admitted to myself was to see you."

"You hate your memories here?" He asked in a sad whisper.

I huff. "The vast majority of them, yeah. If you're fishing for something, the memories I have with you are an exception."

"You really haven't changed," He shook his head, releasing a small snort of breath, sadly, so little I almost didn't even notice.

"I have, actually." I start, attempting a topic change. "I'm an art student."

He nudges my shoe with his. "You? An art student?"

"Yeah, what's the matter with that?" I grumble.

"Do you enforce the rules of design on everyone with your iron, scary little fist?"

"I'm trying to be more open minded," I look down, that one stinging a little bit.

He sighs, raking a hand through his hair. "Alright, alright- look- I'm sorry. This whole thing- it's got me way in my head. Your art was actually... pretty sick."

I finally feel like I recognize who I'm talking to, my heart fluttering sadly. What had he gone through? I really hadn't seen much of the details, it was too early on for the press to release anything. We had been sitting across from each other, but I decided to adjust so as to sit next to him. I placed my hand on top of his, light as a feather, as if silently asking if it were okay. He didn't move.

I swallowed down my nerves, finally asking the question I'd had on my mind since I arrived in Hawkins. "What happened, Eddie?"

He closed his eyes as soon as the words left my mouth. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Look at me." I snapped.

He begrudgingly turned to face me.

"I am one of the only people who may believe anything you have to tell me right now." I reminded him, kicking up my scarred leg pointedly.

Innocent | Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now