Chapter 20

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It was nightfall by the time we'd reached the gate, which was relatively close to Eddie's trailer. The second victim, Fred, had disappeared in the woods while he and Nancy were gathering information on Chrissy, hence, next to Eddie's trailer. What could be assumed to be the gate, surrounded by caution tape, a large canopy tent, and (hopefully) abandoned press and police vehicles- was pulsating red. Bright red. We'd ditched the car half a mile out because the needle of the compass was being more finicky the closer we got.

"Well, that's either a really fun otherworldly bonfire, or- it's definitely it," Robin surmised.

"Someone's gonna have to sneak in all ninja mode." Eddie nodded seriously.

"Ninja mode?" Steve smirked to Nancy, as if sharing some inside joke. "I'll check it out."

"Woah, woah, why are you opting to be the chosen one?" Robin asked, concern stitching her brows together. I wondered, briefly, if something was going on between the two of them. I shook my head, that not seeming important at this precise moment.

"I'm sneaky." Steve responded in a duh tone. "Like a ninja."

"Well, that's obviously not happening." I deadpanned.

"No," Nancy agreed with me, shaking her head, though obviously understanding the reference Steve was making. "We need to be close in case something happens."

There were some strange vibes coming off of Nancy and Robin regarding Steve- I couldn't tell which was interested and which was friendly. Maybe Eddie and I had stepped between a cold war- Robin and Steve were somewhat inseparable, though never appearing beyond platonic. Signs of intimacy were pretty obvious from Steve typically, especially back in high school. So something was off there. Nancy and Steve, however, shared a past. Steve was also now seeming to want to show off, which indicated he was trying to impress someone- though which one, I wasn't sure. Both were concerned for him, beyond the surface level I was experiencing- you know, the feeling you get when anyone dumbly offered up their life as a pawn merely to show off.

Eddie glanced between Steve and I, then bounced a few times, hyping himself up. "Nah, man, I'm coming too."

"Eddie!" I hissed, now incredibly concerned. "You have no experience in the Upside Down."

"And, methinks, I should probably gain some," He responded ostentatiously, tying clothing pieces tighter in preparation.

"You're not going anywhere without me." I insist firmly.

"No, I'm not going anywhere dangerous with you. Two very different things." Eddie blinked innocently.

Steve, brows furrowing, puffed his chest up a little. "Listen, man, I don't really need a sidekick in there."

"Neither do I. So maybe you should stay, comfort your ladies." Eddie gestured, matching Steve's posture.

"I'm not his lady." Nancy and Robin defended in unison, one sounding more disgusted at the thought than the other.

"What is happening right now?" I asked them, glancing over in awe.

"I think we're witnessing a dick measuring contest-" Robin frowned.

"-and they're both losing." Lucas added.

"Hey, assholes!" Dustin whisper-yelled. He looked completely over this whole situation. "Are you for real right now? Like, are you for real?"

Steve and Eddie both shrunk slightly. Steve gestured to Eddie childishly. "He hasn't even been in the Upside Down."

"Why don't we all go, and watch each other's backs?" Dustin suggested, looking between the two incredulously.

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