Chapter 21

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Nancy Wheeler not only had good ideas, but also had guns, apparently. I was beginning to admire her more and more. We had been hiding in the woods from the demobats for upwards of 30 minutes now, nearly holding our breath as we took for cover under the trusty skull rock once again. As soon as we were in the clear, however, we realized we would need to defend ourselves, and took it upon ourselves to hike to Nancy's house. Eddie and Steve had lagged behind, and the prospect of what the two may have been talking about was enticing.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I pondered quietly, nodding my head towards the men.

Nancy and Robin peaked at them, who were seemingly in deep conversation.

"I don't have a clue what they could be saying to each other," Robin admitted. "The only link I can find between them is Dustin worshiping the ground they walk on,"

"Maybe they're still trying to one up one another," Nancy smiled softly, distractedly.

"I wouldn't doubt that," I chuckled, making brief eye contact with Eddie. He beamed, winking at me. "But I really didn't think that's Eddie's style."

Robin pulled back with me, Nancy pulling ahead. "I still go to school with him, you know,"

I perked up, curiosity peaking. "Yeah?"

She nodded. "Yeah, and he's been really different this past year. Like, we talk, sometimes- when he actually shows up to school. Not to say he's lazy or anything, god, no- not after everything we've been through- but what I'm saying is-"

"He's been having a really rough year. Because of me," I clarified, trying not to get annoyed. I knew she was trying to be helpful.

"Yeah. But he's been different this past year." Robin urged. "You said it's not his style. But it is. He's missed you. Like, visible from an outside source only vaguely aware of his existence because of the traumatic event we shared, miserable. He clambered out of a really dark place, and now you're back- Steve's not a threat- no offense, but you and I both can tell he's got that thing going for Nance-"

"Does he really?" I cut her off, finally understanding where their relationships all stood with each other. Part of me never would get over the unveiling of drama. I craved it like chocolate pudding.

"What? I shouldn't have- yeah, but don't say anything- I've shoved my foot in my mouth." Robin rushed, shaking her head to clear it. "Look, Steve's not a threat, but Eddie- Eddie's been hiding from his problems all year, wishing you'd come back. Now that you are, I don't think he's going to let anything get in the way of that, hence the contest with Steve. But I just. I thought you should know how- how badly he's been going through it. And maybe watch that he doesn't do something stupid. He's been waiting to prove himself to you for months."

"Stupid," I repeated thoughtfully, recalling the weird speech he'd given back at skull rock. About how all he does is 'run.' I gulped seriously. "Thank you, Robin."

"Yeah, uh- no prob." She slapped me lightly on the shoulder, and I flinched slightly at the movement.

"Uh- you- you were in Baker's art class last year, right?" I recall, folding my arms over my chest.

She paused, having assumed the conversation was over. "Yep. Not the best at it, but it was fun."

She may have been the most friendly, good-natured person I'd ever met. "I was in that class. So you're more into like, the film type of art?"

"Actually, yes." She smiled nervously. "Steve and I work at the Family Video Store, I get to watch pretty much anything that comes out as soon as it comes out, we should all do something some time-"

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