Chapter 22

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A lot of distance had been covered in a short amount of time. We'd gotten to Nancy's house, which apparently now did not have guns, due to the Upside Down being 'set sometime in the past.' It didn't entirely make sense to me, but I tried not to fight the experts. We made contact with Dustin, Lucas and Erica, who I'd learned was the little girl I'd been sassed at by last summer at the mall. They actually had been caught by the police, but they were aiming to escape shortly. The new plan was to meet at Eddie's trailer- which I was more than open to- because there would most likely be a 'gate' there, as well.

I recalled, shortly, how I would have felt in this situation a year ago. Police chasing us down, cruising around an alternate dimension, no parental guidance whatsoever for any decision made. I would have had a heart attack had I not gone through what I went through last year. I wasn't exactly feeling in the best shape now, of course, my life having been in peril once again, today, and pretty much numb to the whole other reality thing so as to get through the experience. But all in all, I was handling this so much better than 1985 Milo would have. And in that, I was proud.

We stole four bikes to get going faster, with me having to ride on the back of Eddie's. Go figure.

"This is just like old times, aye?" I laughed, hopping onto the back.

"Probably a little more fun without the broken leg," Eddie mused, and off we went.

When we reached the trailer, we found a portal directly linking to Dustin and the gang- in the ceiling. They began laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing, and I just joined in at this point, ready to go through. Max was tagging along, now, as well. I was nearly entirely dissociative at this point, not connecting with my reality at all. We had gone beyond what my tiny brain had thought possible in the past hour, and staring at a replica of the reality we were in was beyond my comprehension. It was neat, in the strangest way possible- but I was over all of this. I wanted out.

The kids on the other side set up a landing pad for us when we would pop out, using Eddie's mattress and some sheets tied together as rope. Briefly, Eddie attempted to make an excuse for the stains on the mattress, but gave up quickly. I was both curious and also wanted to know nothing about the stains I had unknowingly shared a bed with. I just hoped, for some reason, they hadn't been there a year prior. If Eddie and I really did live together in the future, there would be a major conversation regarding laundry.

When Dustin tossed the rope through the gate, it hovered as if something were holding it in place. I had no words, completely awestruck. Robin wasted no time, opting to be the guinea pig and pulling herself through first. She went through unharmed, laughing in shock. Eddie nudged me forward with his shoulder.

"You first," He smiled warmly.

I began my ascent, recalling how much hated climbing the rope in PE. I heard Eddie lowly whistle as I shimmied up the rope, and I gave a small snort. God, not in front of the others! Though I can't help but admit, my cheeks flushed at the attention. I landed on the other end of the rope with a flop, but the mattress cushioned my blow. I only gave a thumbs up to the rest of the group- or was it a thumbs down, them being in the upside down?

I tried not to linger on that confusing thought, swatting away hands of help, and crawling out of the landing zone weakly. I was ready to take a nap, right here, right now. Floor nap time.

"Guess I'll go," Eddie shrugged, latching onto the rope. He was through quickly, his hair marking his descent in a puffy flow. He sat up, catching his breath, only saying, "Shit, that was fun."

Dustin offered him a hand, and they embraced shortly. He really had managed to weasel his way into his heart. Dustin beamed, just happy Eddie was safe again, and I smiled fondly, happy someone appreciated Eddie like he deserved.

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