Chapter 18

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Eddie was seated beside me, both of us quiet. The sun was rising now, quietly, steadily. Neither of us bothered filling the air with any kind of chatter. We were seated, hidden, beneath a rock vaguely resembling a face. We'd swapped off taking naps for a couple hours, neither of us able to get much sleep. The climax of the night had happened all at once, with my curse and Eddie's hunt coming to occur at nearly the same time on the boat. Somehow, Eddie managed to notice I was getting Vecna'd and turned on the stereo before Jason wrenched him out of the boat. I had begun to rise from my position just in time to distract Jason, however, which gave Eddie an advantage, escaping then watching, hidden, until I'd come to. He managed to get onto the boat and started it before an awestruck Jason regained his senses, and we'd escaped.

Now, beneath the shifting sky and aware of the surrounding police sirens in the distance, we could only huddle together and wait. Eddie was still damp from the lake, and I was chilling as I was. I could only imagine how he felt, completely soaked. I gave a little shiver, my arms brushing his as I tensed up.

"Here," he offered, already maneuvering his jacket off.

"No, that's ok, you need it- and it's a little wet still." I brushed him off, wrapping my arms around myself tighter.

"For real, I'm good, and you're shivering." He raised his eyebrows at me. "Come on, Milo."

I looked between his outstretched hands and his face, coming up with a solution.

"What if we share?"

"Share how?" He responded, dumbstruck.

I released a low, slow breath, shaking off my internal nerves. "Do you mind if I show you?"

He searched my expression, weighing the question out. Then he shrugged, though tensely. I scooted closer, taking the jacket in my hands.

"Can I sit in your lap?"

He exhaled breathily, clearly not expecting that. "I- uh- ok."

I nervously positioned myself into his lap, stretching the jacket out so that it was backwards. "Now just put your arms through the sleeves."

He did so, and my back was pressed tightly into his chest. I curled my arms to cross, creating as little space as I could for air to seep in. I wiggled to get comfy, all while he remained stiff as a board. I could tell that even though we'd been through all of that, and we'd talked about everything, we weren't in the clear. And after a near death experience, I was ready to be in the clear. I wanted nothing in the way anymore.

"Eddie?" I whispered. I had no way of gauging his response at all anymore in this position, staring forward with nothing but fresh beams of sunlight and forest to stare back at me.

"Yeah?" he replied, voice impassive.

"What can I do to make you forgive me?" I asked quietly.

A snort of breath gently puffed from his nose, ruffling my hair a bit. "I don't know, Moore. I'm kinda still pissed at you."

"Well, I did almost just die, though," I remind, "So that gets me some pity points, right?"

"You weren't gonna die." His voice got serious. "I wasn't gonna let that happen."

"I know." I agree. "You're a really good person. You know that?"

He didn't respond at first. Then his response started quietly. "Shut up. I'm the leader of Hellfire, I'm not looking to be demeaned like this, mortal."

"Mortal?" I snicker. I wiggle to press more firmly into his chest, more comfy.

"Yes, you small, fragile mortal," He whispered, leaning into my ear. I felt gooseflesh spread wherever his breath reached. "I am a demonic cult leader and I will be regarded as such."

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