Chapter 19 - Regardless

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"Arghh.." I finally regain back my consciousness, and soon I realised, I'm in my room, resting on my bed.

My head was still hurting though and I felt terribly weak with cold sweat drenching my skin. It was already dark, probably the day had pass beyond dusk. I tried to sit up on my bed, but my head felt giddier then before. I moan faintly as I held on to my aching temple.

"Your highness," utters a voice that's coming from the door. There stood Ieyasu looking notably concerned at me. "I've make some soup for you to drink.." he said as he enters my room bringing a tray, with the bowl of soup and a spoon in it.

I push my coverlet off from myself as I try to sat up. "Arghh.." I lightly grunted.

Ieyasu quickly placed the tray onto the side table as he came closer next to me. As gently as he could, he place his arm around my shoulder and let my body rest close to his side.

"Ieyasu.." I muttered uncomfortably as I try to shift myself slightly away from him.

"Don't get the wrong idea cause I'm only trying to help." He grumbled sounding more intimidating than usual.

"You are too weak to fend for yourself at this moment

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"You are too weak to fend for yourself at this moment. So just shed away your cockiness and let me help you.." he said with a profound pout knot upon his lips.

"I guess, I've left with no choice then.." I mutters feeling more downhearted than ever. Deep in my heart, oh how I wish Will is here.

With my back still resting upon his broad shoulders, he had carefully adjusted my pillows upon the bed rest and then he slowly lift my body up nearer to it. "There.." he said as he stood up to bring the bowl of soup.

I reached out my hands to take it, but in a swift he had sat beside me. "Drink this while it's still warm.." he said as he scoop a spoonful of the soup towards my mouth.

"Wait. What's in it?" I ask curiously.

"Something edible of course.." he replied in annoyance.

I turned my head away and with a huge sighed, he said, "It's chicken and mushroom soup your highness.."

Oh that's one of my favourite dish and Will will always be making these lovely soup for me when I'm feeling down or unwell. But how does this intimidating guard knew about this? But yet again, probably Will might have told him about my likings and my dislike.

I turn back to face him and said, "You don't have to bother, cause I can feed myself."

Suddenly, the waft scent of the soup had churn my stomach in turbulent cast. I quickly covered both my nose and my mouth but I couldn't control the "Wheck.." nauseating tone that comes out from my mouth. Without any warning, suddenly I threw up onto his lap, messing up his pants and part of his tunic.

"I'm sorry.." I cried tearfully as my churning stomach continues to empty its guts out.

Ieyasu remains silent but, he gently turn me to the other side and bunch up my hair in his hand. And with his another hand, he had tenderly rubbed my back as he tries to ease my discomfort.

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