Chapter 34 - Grasped

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I dashed as fast as my heart could bears towards Ieyasu's chamber when suddenly my sight had fall upon him riding on his horse, galloping away from the gate of our castle. I quickly came upon the railings of the balcony and called out to him frantically.

"Ieyasu.." I cried tearfully hoping he will halt but my cries were left unheard and there he left bringing my heart away. I held onto the railings tightly within my fists till my knuckles turned white. There's nothing I could do but just to watch his sight drift further and further away from my eyes. "How could you?" Were the words that keeps on ramming my thoughts.

"Your Highness, please come quickly, it's Prince Nokto.." cried one of Nokto's guard pulling me away from my breaking form.

Without hesitation, I quicken my step back towards the study chamber and there I saw Nokto was already on his knees with his hands clasped on tightly upon his chest and his mouth.

"Nokto.." I cried as I dashed closer towards his weakling form and immediately he fell onto my arms. "Guards please help him back to his chamber."

Immediately more of his men came in and gently held him back onto his feet. I placed his arm around my shoulder as I had mine around his waist, supporting him back to his room.

When suddenly his coughing becomes more intense and upon that shearing moment I saw streaks of blood droll out from the side of his lips

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When suddenly his coughing becomes more intense and upon that shearing moment I saw streaks of blood droll out from the side of his lips. "Nokto," I stammered as he fell back into his knees bringing me along to the floor. "Nokto hang on, the physician is on his way .." I stammered as I gently places his head onto my lap, and swipe his bangs away from his brows. Beads of cold sweats begins to break and his breathing seems tense in labour. He was trembling in my arms as his body begins to turns cold and clammy. "Nokto," my words shaken and so am I as Nokto breath his last and his soul withered in my arms.


"You running away from her, it won't change anything at all. You are just making matters worst like how it had already being. At times like this she's needing you close in her arms." Mutters Luke solemnly.

"I wouldn't want to be a hindrance to her as the true successor of Orien. Our relationship bounds to cause more troubles. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have given my heart to her.." noun Ieyasu sullenly.

"Have you really think it all through? About leaving Orien?" Asked Luke.

Ieyasu nodded his head as he held his sight upon the vast lake of Orien.

Luke closes his eyes as he clenches both his fists tightly by his side.

"Luke, I'm putting my hopes high on you. Please continue to run the orphanage home just like your own home. Love them like your own blood.."

Luke quickly wipe his tears from his eyes as he turn his head away from Ieyasu's glimpse. "I will. But again I pray you will have second thoughts about leaving her.."


The rain felt softly. The clouds seems to be in sorrow plight, as though they were weeping along with my heart.

I stood alone by Nokto's burial site without any umbrella or hat. I just want to drown myself in this coldness, hoping the soft pelted rain would just wash away my sorrows. Few of my guards insisted on staying by my side but I politely requested to be alone just for a while.

Suddenly my eyes caught upon another tombstone that was located kind of further away from Nokto's

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Suddenly my eyes caught upon another tombstone that was located kind of further away from Nokto's. I slowly amble closer to it and kneel by the tombstone with my eyes fixed upon the name that had been beautifully carved. It was Will's..

I held out my arms and pushed myself closer to the tombstone. Without second thoughts I held it close to my form. I was trembling, my tears just keeps on falling as I whispered Will's name over and over again.

"Sephira." I heard my name was called faintly, the voice that seems to be near but yet the feelings had evolved to distant.

I continue to held on to Will's tombstone not wanting to let go, not wanting to be crush again with false hope and love.

"Sephira.." I could feel his warm his nearness and in a trance he pulled me away from the stone and brings my wreaking form upon him.

"Ieyasu, how could you? How could you be so cruel? Why are you doing this?" I wept.

He continues to embrace me tighter to his form as he tenderly stroke my hair and gently rock me to and froth, a gesture that was simply sullen but comforting.


"Sephira, are you certain about this?" Asked Luke as he had his eyes upon my packed clothes.

"I need to be with my people therefore I will know better about their problems and situations. I find myself powerless by just sitting on the throne, signing few documents here and there without me seeing the real matter regarding our citizen. And I will definitely come back to check on my duties here too. Furthermore, Kherash's and Aren's also in need of our help to re-establish their Kingdom. And you Luke pure Aren's Prince and you never tell me? Your true origin?"

Luke lightly scratch his head with a gleeful grin. "I never really wanted to be involved in all this royalty stuff.."

"And you truly kept that identity wrapped in your sleeves.." I said with a frown.

"Until Nokto need to blurt it out and even wrote a letter to you with those proves of my birth rights. Really absurd.." jumped Luke with annoyance.

"Hey, there's nothing absurd about it. I'm ..I'm just thankful for having a thoughtful friend like you. And I'm sure the citizens of Aren would be gladly to have you for their King.." I said as I lightly pet his shoulder.

"Yeah, my only hope is to have you as my Queen by my side.." he said with a grin but I could almost sense some kind of longing in his voice.

"You will definitely find a better and special someone to be your Queen.." I quickly respond as I pull my eyes away from his gaze. But I could just feel his gaze still falls on me and then a warm touch graze my cheeks.

"Luke.." I gasped as I hastily got up from the settee and turn my back on him.

"I'm sorry.." he mutters as he too stood up and walks away.

I watches him go as I clenched both my fists close to my chest, with a hint of uneasiness entwining my heart.

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