Chapter 24 - Transcend

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I struggle to keep myself at ease, although the night has passes on till mid, but my eyes just wouldn't want to shut as I tossed and turned listlessly on my bed.

"It shouldn't be right for my heart to clamour just from his touch.." cried my thoughts. "My heart still belongs to Will and it will always be. Maybe I should avoid his presence, his nearness." Jumped my thoughts. "But still, probably on his part, it wouldn't mean anything at all, it's just me to feel flustered over nothing.."

I turned to the other side and tossed back to my front. With my gaze falls upon the wooden ceiling of my room, I sighed faintly.

Suddenly there's a light tapping on my door, pulling me away from my thoughts. I pushed my coverlet aside and got off from my bed, heading straight to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me.."

To my surprise it's Ieyasu.

With a heave sigh I open the door and there he stood looking as listless as my heart.

"I'm sorry, if my presence here is er, unexpected, I know it's kind of late, I shouldn't be here, what the hell am I doing here.." he murmured softly and then he quickly walks away.

"Ieyasu.." I softly called his name.

He halted and then he came back to my front. His eyes were gleaming green of emerald with intensity of unspeakable emotions. I try to cradle my own thoughts, trying to read his notably silence scroll.

Suddenly he pulled me straight in his arms and crashed his lips upon mine. His kisses were strong, with deep intensity of longing.

"Ieyasu," I gasped in startling manner as I tried to push him but that had only engulf his desirous notion on me. "No.." I murmured as I begin to tremble in his arms. Ieyasu ignores my pleas as he pushed me further into my room, shutting the door with his feet as he continues to do his wants on me. Tears begins to sting my eyes cause, I'm not wanting this, not willing too..


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"No..Ieyasu..stop.." I rasped in between his rough kisses as I continue to fight my own unexplainable emotions.

It was shearing pain, and sadness, I squirm and struggled in his embrace and to my fear he had pinned me to my bed, as he continue to rammed me with his hard kisses, gliding and pushing his tongue wildly upon mine.

Upon that moment, he had unlace my chemise and push the front part of it away from my bosoms. I cried and begging him to stop but he continues to graze his lips upon the mount of my breast. "Ieyasu, please stop..don't do this.." I plead in between tears.

In a drift he had lift up my chemise, baring my thighs as his hands begins stroking lightly upon them, teasing and prying towards my innermost spot. " are hurting me.."I gasped and I cried tearfully..

Suddenly, he stopped as he panting heavily on me. He set his dark eyes on my teary ones and then he slowly loosen his grip on me. I saw pain in his eyes, pain of guilt and regrets. In a haste, he got off from my trembling form and quickly took his pace towards the door. Without any words clamoured between us, he left closing the door behind him..

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