Guns And Laces: Prologue

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Guns And Laces



“Mama, please, let’s talk about this.” I begged her.

“Stay out of it.” She turned around to tell me and the raging look on her face sent shivers up my spine.

But for a moment, only for a brief moment I watched her eyes as they softened when they roamed my face but that was gone in a blink.

“You’re not even mine.” She spat venomously at me and the next second, I felt a sharp and painful sting on my right cheek.

The sound of the slap was so deafeningly loud that I could feel the ringing in my ears. Tears pricked my eyes instantly as I now placed a hand on my throbbing cheek.

“EVELYN!” Papa roared at her in anger.

“Don’t you dare interfere into this matter, anymore. You’ve done enough. Who did you sleep with, huh? A whore? She’s a whore’s daughter?” Mama snapped at papa.

I was young, only twelve, but not naive. I knew what that word meant. It was a bad word, maybe even used for bad women.


My tear-blurred vision shifted to papa who stood there, tongue-tied for a moment, before he ashamedly casted his eyes down.

“I KNEW IT!” Mama yelled. “Either you throw this illegitimate child out of the house or you go with her.” She added after a moment of deep breath.

My eyes widened and shifted to papa who was staring at the woman I thought was my mother, “Evelyn, let’s talk about this. Calm down.”

“DON’T FUCKIN” TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!” Mama lashed out at him.

She turned to give me a once over, “Look at her, she’s so ugly. She couldn’t be my daughter, anyways.”

That hit a nerve.

“My decision is final, Juan.” Her tone was ice-cold. “I can forgive you, but I cannot allow her to be in this house, anymore. Think about Sierra. She will be a bad influence on our child.”

I was still staring at papa, in anticipation, hoping that he would somehow convince mama to let it go and we can stay together as a family even if I am not mama’s daughter.

“Papa.” I whispered.

His guilty eyes travelled to mine and something in my gut told me that he had already made his decision the moment I saw him walking towards me.

He grabbed me by the arm and started walking in the direction of the front door. The tears finally started to fall out of my eyes as I looked back at the woman I once called mama.

She stood there like a statue but with a victory smile on her face as she watched papa dragging me out.

I did not protest, even though, I wanted to. My tongue refused to move, maybe it was the shock. I was unable to process the situation that had unfolded just now.

“RHI!” I heard Sierra’s voice just as I turned to look down at the shiny floor.

Papa stopped in front of the door and my head whipped around as I saw my younger sister running down the stairs with fat tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Papa stop! Please, don't take Rhi away. I will go with her!” She shouted.

Mama grabbed her by the arm just as she was about to run towards me, “Let her go. She’s not your sister.”

“SHE IS MY SISTER!” Sierra screamed at her.

And then something I thought would never happen, happened. Mama slapped Sierra.

“Shut up! Don’t talk back to me.” She scolded her in pure anger.

My heart broke and my hands balled into fists as I looked at her beet red face wet with tears as she quietly stared at me. Her bottom lip wobbled, “Please, don’t go.” She whispered.

I bit my lip to stop myself from bursting out in more tears, “I love you, Sera. You will always be my sister.”

She thrashed in my mother’s hold and papa finally opened the door before he left my arm, “Leave, Rheannon. Don’t come back.” He whispered and I could hear the crack in his voice.

But it did not match the crack of my heart so I was completely unaffected as I stood at the threshold now facing him.

And with one last look at Sierra, the doors of that house were forever closed on me.

A/N: Hi, here's the prologue for Guns and Laces. The updates will be weekly. ❤️❤️

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