Guns And Laces: Chapter 31

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Guns And Laces


Chapter Thirty-One

"I will burn you, inch by inch, if you so much as think of harming her. I am restrained only as long as she's breathing. After her, I don't guarantee you shit."


Seven Weeks Later

“Angelo.” I heard Eirene’s voice.

I frowned and followed the direction her voice had come from only to find her in the kitchen with Darius and Aegeus.

“What are you all doing here?” I asked looking at them.

Eirene was hovering over the stove while Darius worked on his laptop and Aegeus was on his phone.

“Well, it’s nice to see you too brother.” Aegeus said without looking up from his phone.

Eirene turned around with a smile on her face and my eyes softened a bit as soon as I looked at her. She walked to where I was standing and engulfed me in a hug.

I couldn’t help but return the gesture.

“How was your day?” She asked and pulled away.

“The same.” I said and took a step back. “I will be in my room.” I said and turned to walk out.

“Ophelia’s sleeping in your room. Come down for dinner in fifteen.” Eirene spoke from behind.

“I am not hungry.” I said back.

“Please.” Her plea made me halt and I closed my eyes in frustration.

“Okay.” I replied quietly and went straight to my room.

I was welcomed with the sight of my little princess sleeping peacefully on my bed and a genuine smile made its way to my lips. I placed my briefcase on the table and walked towards my bed.

I quietly sat down and placed a kiss on her forehead and she almost instantly opened her sleepy eyes. “Hi princess.” I greeted her and she closed her eyes again before yawning.

“Good morning, little Phelia.” I cooed and she opened her gorgeous big eyes again.

She giggled when I gently picked her up in my arms, “I have missed you.” I whispered and her tiny chubby hands came to rest on the side of my face. She was staring at me as if she understood everything I had been saying to her. She always did that.

My heart warmed when I saw her flashing me a smile and muttering some gibberish.

“Oh really?” I gasped in surprise playing along with her.

She nodded her head and her hands flew everywhere when she spoke again. “My goodness, what happened after that?” I asked and she let out a small giggle enjoying this one-sided conversation thoroughly.

“I love you, little princess. Do you think you can wait here for ten until I quickly shower and then we’ll go downstairs?” I asked pointing at the bathroom behind me.

She glanced at my finger first and then at the bathroom before looking back at me. “Mmph.” She made a sound and shook her head.

“Please?” I pouted.

She giggled and her fingers grabbed my face in a death-like grip before she released a sigh and smiled.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I said to her and kissed her cheek before placing her back on the bed. I made sure that the pillows Eirene had arranged around her remain secured.

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