Guns And Laces: Chapter 27

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Guns And Laces

Bump On The Road

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I heard my phone ring in my bag and without even glancing at it, I knew who it was. I had taken the liberty to get out of the house today - without any security might I add - and I am sure by now Angelo’s informants must have driven him crazy with this piece of information.

In my defense, I just wanted to have some time to myself. Just like I used to when I was living alone in my apartment. Angelo had given me the keys to one his of cars two days ago just in case I ever needed them and I so happen to need them today.

I wasn’t going too far, only to the nearest coffee shop and to buy skin care afterwards. I didn’t inform Angelo because I knew he wouldn’t allow me to and I really needed this.

He had back to back meetings to attend today so I knew this was my perfect opportunity to put my plan into action. I was also carrying the gun that he had given to me. Even if I didn’t know how to properly use it, it still gave me a sense of security. Somewhat.

The phone rang again and I stopped at a red light. I quickly took it out of the bag and answered it. “Yes, my love.” I chirped.

“Don’t sweet talk to me, Rheannon. Where the fuck are you?” His voice boomed from the other end.

I winced at his tone knowing fully well I was in for a one hell of a scolding once I got home.

“I am just going to grab myself a nice cup of coffee and get some skin care products. I will be back in an hour, my love, I promise.” I tried to sound as sweet as possible even though I knew he was not going to buy this crap.

“Rheannon, turn that car around or I swear to god I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll forget how to put that foot on the accelerator.” He warned.

Well, that turned me on.

“I’ll hold you to that promise.” I whispered seductively.

Surely that’s not the response he had expected from me because the line was quiet for a brief moment.

“Anna, go home. I don’t like to repeat myself and I have a shit ton of meetings to attend before I come back home. The last thing I want is worrying about you.” He exhaled.

“I know. I have shared my location with you, I’ll be back in an hour I promise.” I said and he was about to say something but I cut the call as the light had turned green.

He was so going to kill me for this.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, my phone didn’t ring after that.

I made a pit stop to the coffee shop before driving to a mall nearby. I only needed a few things so I was sure I was gonna be in and out of the mall in no time. I parked at the entrance of the mall and thankfully there were not many cars as it was still only a little before afternoon.

I made my way inside the mall and shot a quick text to Angelo informing him my whereabouts and it only took him a few seconds to read the message. However, as expected, I got no response.

I quickly went to the shop on the second floor and it took me around thirty minutes to gather all the stuff I needed and then I went to pay for it. After checking out, I left another text to Angeloto let him know that I was done and leaving the mall.

Just when I placed my phone back inside the pocket, a hand clamped on my mouth out of nowhere and I was pushed inside a room. I screamed but it came out muffled.

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