Guns and Laces: Chapter 7

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Guns And Laces

The Journey Begins

Chapter Seven

"I will burn you, inch by inch, if you so much as think of harming her. I am restrained only as long as she's breathing. After her, I don't guarantee you shit."


The sound of a message notification filled the quiet air of my cabin and brought me out of my reverie. I glanced at the name illuminating my phone screen for a brief moment before shifting my focus to the file in front of me.

My old self would have picked up the phone in an instant to read the content of the message, to let her know that I have a meeting with some investors which will last an hour, and that I love her and will pick her up tonight for a dinner at her favourite restaurant.


Now, I could not find it in myself to care for the person I once thought was my one, true love.

Now, I found it to be most difficult of tasks to even let my heart feel an ounce of emotion for her.

The knock on the door made me look up from the pile of documents, that I was trying to read in vain, and asked them to come inside.

Mateo’s head popped from the now ajar door, “The investors are here.” He announced.

I sighed, “They are, aren’t they?” I murmured to myself and he gave me a weird look.

“I’ll be there, in a minute.” I said and stood up.

I grabbed my suit jacket from the back of the chair and put it on before I picked up the stack of papers and left my office.

Mateo followed behind with his tab in hand, tapping furiously, as we entered the elevator.

He pressed the button for the 9th floor and the doors closed, shortly after.

The sound of constant tapping was annoying the absolute fuck out of me, by now, so I took a look at his screen to see him… playing a game.

I turned my head to look at him but he was too immersed crushing some stupid fuckin’ jellies to notice his surroundings.

“Mateo.” I called.

“Yes.” His reply was swift.

“Shut that thing up before I do.” I spoke coolly.

As if he just realised what I was referring to, his head snapped up to look at me and I watched as his pupils dilated.

“Right, sorry. I had already turned off the game’s background music. I’ll turn of the tap sound, as well.”

A few more taps and finally peace.

“What’s my schedule for the rest of the day?” I asked, adjusting the Rolex on my wrist.

“After this meeting, you have a call scheduled with Mr. Pantazis and later in the evening, you are invited to a business event.” As soon as he finished, the elevator dinged open.

I walked out, “Business event?”

“Yes, more like a party hosted by the Mayor for his wife’s birthday.” He informed.

“How the fuck is that a business event?” I stopped to look at him.

A sheepish look took over his features as he answered, “Because all the businessmen will be there?”

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