The Upside Down

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The three teens pulled into the Byers driveway and immediately started to get to work. They grabbed everything from the trunk bringing it inside and setting it up.

When they got inside they started by attaching every single Christmas lightbulb back into place.After that Jonathan had started to set up the bear traps they had bought.

While Nancy loaded her gun and Jonathan sharpened his axe. Jade hammered nails into Wills old baseball bat.

Nancy started to pour gas leading from the hallway to the middle of the bear trap. Finally they set up the yo-yo gimmick. Everything was almost ready.

Jonathan went into the kitchen coming back with three sharp knifes. They all gathered into a circle.

"Remember...," Jonathan started.

"Straight into Wills room. And-," Nancy said.

"Don't step on the trap," Jade reminded.

"Wait for the yo-yo to move," Nancy said nodding her head.

"Then...," Jonathan said opening the lighter Jade had taken from Hoppers office.

"We light the son of a bitch," Jade finished.

"All right. You ready," Jonathan asked eyeing the girls.

"Ready," The girls said at the same time. They lowered their hands down in front of them with their palms facing up. They layed the knife that Jonathan had given them onto of their skin.

"On three," Jonathan said.

"One...two...," Jonathan started. He looked up at Nancy who looked nervous.

"You don't have to do this-," Jonathan said to Nancy shaking his head.

"Jonathan, stop talking," Nancy said overwhelmed.

"I'm just saying, you don't have to-."

"Three," Nancy said quickly and on the count of three they all dragged the knife along the inside of their palm.
Jonathan had just finished wrapping Nancy's palm in bandages to stop the bleeding. Nancy was now doing the same for Jonathan.

While Jade was wrapping her hand in bandages she turned to the side to look at Nancy and her brother and smiled to herself.

There was a faint creak.

"Did you hear that," Nancy said whipping her head up.

"It's just the wind," Jonathan said softly. Nancy put her head back down.

"Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes," Jonathan said to Nancy.

"Speak?" Nancy questioned.

"He means they blink, like flash on and off," Jade said to Nancy.

"Think of them as alarms," Jonathan finally said. Nancy stayed quiet continuing to wrap Jonathan's hand.

"Is that too tight," Nancy asked.

Jonathan shook his head. "No, it's fine.Thanks."

Jade reached into her pocket grabbing a cigarette and put it into her mouth. She then reached for the lighter that sat on the coffee table and lit it.

She took a long drag and looked outside through the small piece of glass on the door, she thought she saw someone outside. She kept eyeing the door nervously.

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