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"JJ hurry up! We're going to be late," Jonathan shouted from the kitchen.

"Relax, we're not gonna be late," Jade said stepping out of her room and making her way to the kitchen.

When she turned the corner and entered the kitchen Jonathan threw his hands up giving her a look.

Jade threw her hands up at Jonathan and shrugged."What I said I'm ready," Jade said to Jonathan.

Jonathan looked at Jade and nodded."Okay well, eat something," He said gesturing to the kitchen.

Jade looked around and scrunched her nose and shrugged."Nah, I'm not really hungry. Let's go."

Joyce's head peaked up."You sure baby," Joyce asked Jade.

Jade nodded as she grabbed her bag throwing it over her shoulder."Yeah I'm sure."

"Okayyy, let's go then," Jonathan said grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

"Bye mom love you. Love you Will, see you later buddy," Jade said to her mom and little brother before she left.

"Bye sweetie love you, have a good day at school," Joyce called out.

"Bye Jade, love you too," Will said finishing up his breakfast.
Jade and Jonathan pulled into the school parking lot with some time to spare. The twins just sat in Jonathan's car waiting for the bell to ring. Jade reached into her bag pulling out the smashed box of cigarettes and lit one.

"See Johnny, I told you we wouldn't be late," Jade said turning over to look at Jonathan who was looking out his window.

"Yeah, because I rushed you," Jonathan said still with his attention out the window. Jade unbuckled her seat and moved up to Jonathan to look at what he was staring at.

"What are you looking at," Jade said looking out the window with Jonathan.

Jonathan quickly looked away from the window and sat back down in his seat."Nothing."

Jade ignored him and kept looking out the window."Ahhh, I see what you're looking at." A couple cars down was parked, Steve and Nancy. They were talking and smiling to each other.

Jade sat back down in her seat. "What happened between you and Nancy?"

Jonathan shrugged."What do you mean? Nothing happened, we're...we're friends."

Jade rolled her eyes back."Exactly. Come on Johnny, I saw you guy's practically drooling over each other last year."

Jonathan sighed. "I don't know after what happened last year, I thought there was...I thought something was there you know.  But after about a month she just got back with Steve. We're still friends, it's just I thought we could have been...more."

"'re my big brother and I'm gonna be honest with you. Her and Steve, they won't last. What she had with you last year, it was different than what she has with Steve. And if she was happy in her relationship last year with Steve she wouldn't have been so emotionally connected with you."

"I don't know. It was a hard time for her with Barb and...and that's why she was like that with me."

"But she could have easily ran back to Steve when things got worse, but you and her, went through all that shit last year together. I know she's with Steve but last year I saw what you guys had and I know she'll come around."

"Thanks JJ.What about you?" He said tapping her on the arm.

Jade shot Jonathan a confused look. "What about me?"

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