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"what are you doing here?!" gabrielle stood in shock.

"you didn't think i'd miss thanksgiving did you?" harley smiled and engulfed her best friend in a hug.

"i missed you so much." she cried into her shoulder as they rocked back and forth.

"i missed you too gabi. but save your tears!"

"huh?" her brows furrowed.

"i have another surprise for you." harley smiled and moved from in front of the doorway.

"hey little sister!" gary yelled as he walked into the house.

"oh my gosh!" she pouted and hugged gary tightly.

"gabrielle if you don't close my doo- HARLEY?!" isabelle went to yell but embraced harley in tight hug.

hearing the commotion, jordan got off the couch and walked over to the group.

"what's going on?" he smiled widely when he saw gary, who was still hugging gabrielle.

"what's good man?" gary smiled and dapped him up, holding on a bit longer than normal.

gabrielle tried to wipe and contain her tears as harley hugged her again, but failed.

"girl you gotta stop crying." harley laughed and pulled away, wiping her tears for her.

"i'm sorry! i just missed y'all a lot." she sighed, fanning her face.

"okay i love you guys but get out my doorway." isabelle spoke as she pushed them away from the door and shutting it.

they all went to sit down in the living room and caught up with each other.

"does anyone want any extra food to take home?" gabrielle's mom asked while she was putting the food away.

"i do!" harley yelled and quickly got up to get a plate of food, making gabi laugh.

jordan went to take his parents home while gabrielle was getting ready to leave.

"wait. where are you guys staying?" gabrielle asked after she put her pan, yes the whole pan, of mac and cheese in her car.

"we were just gonna stay at a hotel." gary answered as he stood up.

"uh no. i don't have a guest bedroom for nothing. you're staying with me." gabrielle commanded, pointing at them.

instead of arguing with her, harley and gary nodded and accepted their fate.

"okay mom and dad, we're heading out." gabrielle hugged her parents and unlocked her car doors.

"alright. love you guys! harley and gp, come see us again before you leave." sean waved at them as they walked to the door.

"will do!" gary saluted the man and followed the girls out the door.

after the two put their bags in gabrielle's trunk, the three of them went to gabrielle's apartment.

"i have no house rules but, if you're gonna do the do, do it when i'm not here 'kay?" she warned, pointing between the two of them.

"and that's why i missed you so much." harley spoke and hugged her tightly as they laughed.



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