Final Battle

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Ferdinand was slapping AquelRyus around the lands as the red wolf stalked NiggerRyus, who was watching with concern. Flacillus appeared in front of Captain Milkus holding a massive black steel hammer as he stood 20 meters tall." STATE YOUR LAST WORDS TRAITOROUS SOW." Flacillus said, readying his hammer." I will see you soon, MINOTAUROS..." Milkus said, accepting his fate clising his eyes. Flacillus slammed his dark hammer down on Captain Milkus, only for Liam to hold it up!
Liam snatched the black hammer and smashed Flacillus into a pile of black blood and metal rubble." MY MOORD, YOU'RE BACK." Milkus mooed as Liam wore the Shadow Raper and on his back over armor made from Mado-Rah's body." Stand up Captain, we have a battle to finish." Liam told with conviction in his deep romantic voice." I can't, my MOORD, I'm not going to make it..." Milkus weakly said." THAT'S AN ORDER CAPTAIN, STAND UP AND FIGHT UNTIL YOU BREATHE YOUR LAST BREATH OR DIE." Liam told. Captain Milkus went to Liam and gave him a deep kiss and died in his arms." The fuck was that for?" Liam questioned looking befuddled. Captain Milkus dead body dissappeared into white mist.
Ferdinand unleashed hellish blows to AquelRyus, who was bloodied and battered as the massive red wolf was dead in NiggerRyus black fangs. Ferdinand picked up a massive white club and lunged at AquelRyus, only to slip on a miniscule pebble. AquelRyus quickly tore the immobilized Ferdinand clean in half and let out a hellish roar as his wounds were healed. Liam stabbed AquelRyus in the back, only for NiggerRyus to ram him to a massive rocky spike on a boulder." That should be nearly enough, finish this weak scum so that darkness shall conquer this pitiful realm." NiggerRyus said, flying away.
Liam pulled himself off the rocky spike and went on both knees. AquelRyus turned back into the massive fish drake and went in front of Liam who weakly stood up." YOUR LAST WORDS, SAY THEM." AquelRyus told, holding Liam up. Liam grabbed AquelRyus' arm and slammed him onto the ground and started beating his head in with Ferdinand's massive white club! AquelRyus lunged at Liam and caught him with his fangs as shook him around like a doll while Liam still beat at his head with the club. AquelRyus slammed Liam on the ground and tore the club holding arm off Liam who started to unleach massive blows to AquelRyus' scaly gut! Liam unleashed a massive uppercut that launched AquelRyus into the air! AquelRyus fell onto massive black spikes that pierced through him! Liam let out a victorious roar as he picked up the white club." TODAY IS THE END OF DARKNESS REIGN AND THE START OF A NEW ERA: THE ERA OF DRAGONSLAYERS AND MAN!" LIAM ROARED. Liam bashed AquelRyus dragon face into a bloody pulp then he tore out it's heart and let out a roar of passion and glory as the blue drake was dead. Liam sat down on a stone and store at the dead wyrm with a satisfied expression.
NiggerRyus came down from the skies as Liam made a coat out of AquelRyus' dead body." WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO MY SON?" NiggerRyus asked as Liam held up a klub made out of AquelRyus bones." I SLAIN THAT MONSTER, AND YOU ARE NEXT FOUL BEAST." Liam answered readying himself for battle.
Liam unleashed a mighty smack that knocked NiggerRyus to the ground and started to choke him out with AquelRyus spine. NiggerRyus flew up towards a pit of spikes. NiggerRyus grabbed Liam and threw him down to his demise... or so he thought! Liam hung on to his bone whip  and swung himself back to NiggerRyus' neck. Spikes burst from NiggerRyus' body. A spike pierced through Liam's chest. Liam let out a heroic roar and bit off NiggerRyus' jaw and spat it out! Liam tore the spike and leaped of the dead drake's body right before it crashed into a mountain and blew up.
Liam landed on top of the largest mountain peak and let out a victorious roar of passion as the sun shone upon the Dragon Lands. Liam pounded his chest showing dominion over the Black Creatures of Darkness. A violet wyrm appeared in front of Liam and let out a ferocious roar.
" Here we go."
Liam grew a smile as more dragons appeared around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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