Building From Disgrace

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Liam in the others were in carriages as they were accompanied by forty more as the group was now a sub army under a guild known as "DragonSlayer" assembled by Minos gathering people who lost their families to dragons and Wetty.
A thousand others carriages with flags from many different kingdoms sped by.
" God damn look at that." Minos said as Makel was rubbing a tiny baby dragon with a single horn's head." Must be for that new war against Metal Mountain with all of those DragonBanger flags." Ricardo replied as he wore green knight armor without a helmet." Metal Mountain? That's just a fairy tale, whatever that guy is beyond crazy anyway, what kind of man finds dragons attractive anyway?" Makel replied looking bothered." Who cares, as long as he kills monsters after, what difference does it make what he does to them? Means shit to me, as long as he's not making more."Liam replied as he wore a bear fur coat over armor made out of blue dragon scales." Irrelevant, we need to get Hannah out of Minn, if we have to waste time ending that war we will, right?" Minos asked." Whatever, both sides are probably tired anyway." Makel answered as Otistauros came in with Diana." I'll tell you this though, I've haven't seen a strong black creature in a fortnight." Otistauros said." No matter, after we're done with Minn, we're going to bring Kalemeet down, after that Wetty." Liam told drinking some juice." Surely we can save my sister on the way?" Diana asked." Sure, we need all the help we can get." Minos replied, sitting down by Makel.
The guild stopped at a massive gate that was in front of a massive wall that guarded the kingdom of Minn as one hundred knights were standing in front of it. Liam, Minos and Makel went out of their carriage and went to the main gate.
A tall knight wearing completely white armor with a grey fur coat over it went to the group." Let me and my men go through the gates knight." Liam told." Give us your weapons and absolute proof you and that mini army of yours aren't sent here to destroy our kingdom and then we'll let you in." The knight told, holding up a massive great lance. Liam took a dead black creature that was the size of a bus and threw it down." Is that supposed to mean something? The Dark Ones kill each other all the time." The knight exclaimed." Take it as whatever you want but we need to talk to Hannah and Reina Gauun." Liam told." No way, only three men know those names, and they are dead so who are you and what do you want?" The knight questioned sounding surprised." I'm Liam Gaunn, over there's my brother Minos Gauun and we have come here with a lot of new friends to have a little time with Hannah. So open the gates now please." Liam told as Makel looked inpatient." Alright you and that Minos fella follow me to the king, don't try anything because the hangman will be coming too." A golden knight with a rainbow scale robe like cape, no weapon, and a black feather on his grey bull with a lion's mane head shaped helmet cap told as he was twice Ferdinand's size."Alright lead the way." Minos told.
The three went to the Minn Castle (read DragonHugger Chapter 2) and went to the throne room to see knights that wore armor of all kinds of colors talking to the king." My king, two men that know Hannah and Reina Gauun have came here to speak to you." The golden knight told, putting his left armored hand on Liam's shoulder as a grey knight looked at them as Harry came to them with Minnah." Oh its those guys. So did you come to aid us in this time of war or did you come here to get your friends back because the latter is going to be quite difficult." Harry told, crossing his arms."How so?" Liam asked with a rosen eyebrow." Well since the last time you two and their eight other sisters left Minn, both Reina and Hannah became more invested in the war so I'm pretty sure they won't be available at the moment, so unless you come here to aid us in these dreadful times, I bid you farewell." Harry answered with a strait face." That's also why we came. We want to help Minn drive off the creatures of the dark and help liberate Maroniattis, hopefully with your aid." Liam replied as Minos looked confused." Oh thank the gods, I'll go inform General Fanzus so he'll let your "army" though the gates." Harry said as he then went to the door, only to have Minos grab his arm." What is it?" Harry asked." What happened to Finn and Quill DragonSlayer?" Minos asked back looking bothered." They were sent to try to get the fallen king Alexander Primm and Christopher Dragonbanger to aid in our war a few weeks ago." Harry answered, walking away." Better invest your hopes into something else." Ferdinand replied as he and his "friends" were at the left side of the throne room." What do you mean you penny chaser?" Minos told as Harry left the room." Both of those little "DragonSlayers" and Alexander got killed like rats and Christopher is about to wage a suicidal war on Metal Mountain, and hopefully make my next job a little easier." Ferdinand answered as the grey knight looked at him." We don't need your help Ferdinand, go chase your chump change somewhere else, I heard it gets real lonely at night by the gates." Minos said looking irate." Actually it's me who doesn't need your help, but I'll deal with it as long as you don't get in my way." Ferdinand replied told, turning away." Who are those guys? The local parade?" Minos asked pointing at the colored knights." Warriors from some other land. That's all they tell about themselves." King Aultuare answered as the colored knights went out of the throne room before he finished." Whatever so what's the plan?" Liam asked." Go to General Fanzus, he'll inform you more of the war and the current plans to stop it, hopefully your inclusion can put an end to this." King Aultuare answered, waving away.
"This isn't good, or is it?"

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