Demon Invasion...

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Half of the kingdom was reduced to rubble as there was an infinite amount of black creatures running into the kingdom as it was surrounded by black towers. The DragonSlayer army guarded the surrounding gates slaying numerous dragons as an endless amount came from the sky. The colored knights aided the Minn army clearing out the monsters that were rampaging throughout the remnants of the kingdom as Ferdinand and his "friends" were slaughtering numerous monsters as the grey knight rode the giant black bull which then thrashed around wounding many other black creatures,
" Fuck! How many more beasts do we have to kill?!?" Minos questioned. Liam slammed the hydra on its back as it then spat out black gas that caused it to grow five more heads as Liam and five hundred men were then blinded!" Quit your bitching! Just keep killing these things!" Makel yelled as blackened lizard men came from the gas as half of the men blinded by the gas started to convulse as they grew scales as the other half turned black and died." What thee fwuuckk is going on over there?!?" Otistauros asked as he slain a massive black lizard man." Those beasts are using black magic to turn our men against us!" Ricardo answered. Liam roared as he slain the hydra as he then killed all the other reptilian monsters as he then fell down convulsing as he turned purple. The DragonSlayers went to Liam's motionless body to see him then turn into a massive purple dragon with black spikes and red eyes and stomach scales that roared at them and flew away!" Damn... They turned him..." Minos said as Makel and Ricardo started to cry." Nothing to do now, let's go back into the kingdom." Otistauros told.
The leaderless DragonSlayer army went into the Minn kingdom to see that the castle was turned into a massive black fortress as Ferdinand went to them by himself as he looked disgraced as the grey knight with his colored men surrounded the black bull which was getting cooked over a massive campfire." What happened to Liam? Did he get killed by some beast like the bitch he is?" Ferdinand asked as his armor was blackened by the blood of the blackened beasts he slain." No you dumbass, he was turned into a dragon which flew away before we could kill it." Minos answered as the knights were eating blackened steaks, which tasted extremely sour and oddly salty." Looks like your little sub army has no men or leadership in it so I'll provide both for the time being." Ferdinand replied as the grey knight went to them with a Minn solider." Are you people ready? We need to hurry up and save the castle with the rest of our men if we hope to obtain any sort of a reward." The grey knight told." Yeah we're ready, let's do this." Ferdinand told.
Ferdinand, the Grey knight, and Makel stood outside the blackened fortress as the other colored knights and the DragonSlayer army waged a siege on the fortress." Makel go scout the inside of that fortress from on top of the walls." Ferdinand told." Look the only reason we listened to your plans was because it was better than anything that we were coming up with so don't think you can boss us around like you lead anything other than that tiny worm you call a dick into desperate whores that no other creature would touch." Makel replied, looking away." Makel go scout the inside of that fortress from on top of the walls." Ferdinand repeated with a monotone voice as the grey knight put his hand on his helmet in bemusement. A heavily wounded Minn soldier ran out of the fortress and fell in front of the three." What's going on? Why are you out here?" The Grey knight asked." They're... all... dead... one... a... beast..." The soilder groaned as he then bled out and perished."Godammit, I'll deal with this bullshit." Ferdinand told, picking up his new great axe which was made out of black creature scales wrapped around a dragon tail shaped like an axe." I'll go with you." The Grey knight told.
The three went into the fortress to see bodies of soilders and blackened monsters and dragons all over the place, surrounding the heavily damaged castle which had a massive black spire protruding from the center as it spewed out blackened beams of energy as there was a wall of spikes that had soilders from all armies hanging on them." At least they cleaned up around here." Ferdinand told." Goddamn, one beast really did all this?" Makel asked, looking around in surprise. The three went in front of the castle to see almost every other colored knight hanging from the front walls impaled on vine like spikes as their armor was heavily damaged showing bloody wounds as they had no heads." MY MEN!NOOOOO!" The Grey Knight roared as he fell to his knees in despair." Get up, we'll avenge your men, no we'll avenge everyone killed by that thing." Makel told.
Minos went on his knees as a massive man who had pitch black skin, had long dreads (braided hair) and wore purple armor with gold chains wrapped around his neck and multicolored diamonds on his gauntlet fingers and a red cape stood over him holding a massive bloody spiked hammer up in the air." Weak, just like the rest, you're not even worth sacrificing on the peak of the tower." The giant man told, slapping Minos with the back of his hammer.
"Not like this... Not until...
The hammer was struck down, but no blood was spilled..." Huh? What's this? Why do I not here the sound of bones breaking and blood splattering?" The giant man asked looking confused." Because your time has come you BASTARD!" The Grey Knight roared as Makel held Minos who was unconscious." POOR CHOICES FOR LAST WORDS..." The giant man growled as he put his hammer down and held up a golden axe that had Ricardo's head slipping off as the chains had Ferdinand's "friends" and Diana's head on them as a necklace." You will not leave this place alive you monster!" Makel exclaimed as the royal family were hanging from the walls with completely white bodies.
The three all fought the giant man only to fight that their combined strength was not enough as the man overpowered them with complete ease! The giant man slipped on a pebble onto one knee as the grey knight slit his throat only to be cut clean in half! In the distraction, Ferdinand stabbed the man's heart as Makel then beheaded him!
" It's been too long since any mere creature had the balls to even try to fight me. I'm almost impressed... Now it's time for me to show you humans to know your place in the food chain." The giant man told as he put his head back on his head as he regenerated."What the fuck are you speaking about?" Ferdinand asked as the giant man grew a giant smirk. The giant man transformed into a demon that had a slim ape like body covered in slimy purple leathery scales covered in light grey fur, furry arms with scaled paws like its feet, and massive black scaled wings as it had a human like face with long elf like ears and red snake eyes as it looked down at the four with a smirk." OH GAWD FUCKING DAMN... LOOKS LIKE ALL OF THIS KILLING AND TURNING BACK INTO MY TRUE FORM HAS MADE ME INCREDIBLY HORNY... HERE I'LL SATISFY THAT WITH YOU..." The beast told, picking Ferdinand up. Ferdinand grabbed the beast's axe and used it to cut the beasts arm clean off! As Ferdinand fell, he quickly neutered the beast as it let out a deep hellish roar!" YOU LITTLE BITCH! YOU DARE TRY TO RESIST MY GIRTH?!? YOUR LIFE ENDS NAAAAARWEW! RAAAAAARRRRRGG!" The demon roared as the ceiling crumbled away to show that the sky was purple!" ITS NOT THE TIME TO END THEM..." A "holy" voice told." DAMMIT! YOU LITTLE HUMANS SHALL LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY..." The demon told as it then flew away." Dammit! We couldn't avenge them!" Makel yelled as tears came from her eyes." Don't worry about avenging them now, worry about living so that one day, we can kill that beast together." Ferdinand told, rubbing Makel's back. The dragon that used to be Liam flew into the castle and roared, only to have a completely nude Liam burst out of its belly letting out a roar that'll make any dragon flee in fear, the roar that made the sky turn clear as day.
" What Happened?"

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