DragonSlayer Mountain One: Deceit

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Meanwhile on a mountain far away, a massive green scaled dragon with massive horns and glowing whiskers fell down on the rocky ground as it was slain. The slayer, a short man ( about 6.5 feet or 195 centimeters) wearing armor that literally was a red wingless dragon that was hollowed out and reinforced with black (painted) iron wearing a green scaled robe with a grey fur cape was carving out the fell dragon's scales when an insanely loud boom was heard five kilometers away." What the heck was that?" The warrior asked as a large ( about 210 centimeters or 7 feet) red furred wolf with blue eyes and glowing pink claws sniffed the sky." Whatever it is it ain't good." The wolf-beast replied pointing towards the noise, which was north of their position with its nose. The warrior looked to see a black spire that had a black beam pouring into the sky which was dark and covered in darkened clouds. The two turned around to see an army of all kinds of dragons led by a massive black wingless dragon which let out a deep roar as it leaped straight at the duo." Aw shit, here we go." The warrior sighed as the wolf beast shook the dragon around like a rag doll as the army charged at them.
On a different mountain path twenty kilometers away, the group went in front of a massive cave that was more like a rocky fortress as many dragons,demons and black creatures were killed along the way." Damn if only Hannah was here." Minos sighed as the carriage was untouched." I told her that assisting in Minn's war... no massacre with those savage Maroots led by that beast was pointless but she just had to fall for that prick prince of theirs." Liam replied as Richard and Ben cleared the cave out with the two witches." He was so handsome and such a warrior... too bad he was such a sensitive little asshole though, course you two could learn something from him though." Makel said as Otistauros pulled the carriage to a corner." Learn what? How to be a pretty boy fairy who can't take criticism or how to lead a bunch of scrubs to their deaths?" Liam asked as Ricardo store at him with a lustful expression." To be a better fighter and to have some better class for one." Makel answered with a slight smirk." Oh please if we both didn't slipped on that pebble, he wouldn't be able to walk after the beat down that we would have given him." Minos scoffed, turning away in disgrace." Whatever helps you sleep that night." Makel slyly replied." Well that ain't surprising that you guys gotten your asses beat by the one man who made the One Man Army Himself Dickus quit before they even met in battle." Diana said, walking to the group." Well you seem to be in a better mood." Ricardo replied with a slight smile." Well if I'm to be strong enough to kill that son of a bitch who defiled me and save my sister, I cannot just mope around all day so I'll fight with you guys for now." Diana told, winking with a smile." Oh that's great but can you just watch over Makel just in case that mongrel decides to creep up in this cave?" Liam asked as stretching was heard." Alrighty captain." Diana answered, sitting down." Great now we'll set out as soon as those two big old brutes are done cleaning this place out." Ricardo said.
Deeper in the rocky fortress, Richard and Ben went around the place slaughtering dozens of massive grey scaled lizard men who only used crude weapons with colossal strength and impossible endurance and wore loin cloths to barely cover their long spiky scaly neithers to go to the center." What in the fuck." Richard exclaimed as he and Ben were bamboozled by what they are witnessing. The two went in the center to see Neegrus and the Shadow Raper ( The True Metal Mountain Kronicles) sitting in the middle of a massive orgy filled with all types of creatures involved of all types of sex. Flacillus was in the orgy only wearing a bull mask showing off his muscular grey scaled body with the woman who wore the golden dress, only that she was being plowed by a golden orange furred medium size rodent like creature with a massive hump on its back like a camel." I've been waiting for you two..." Neegrus told stretching his arms out with a deep romantic voice." Hey let's make a deal..." Richard said as his natural fear that has returned due to Neegruss dark presence made him back away, trembling." Yes let's make a deal: you kill Liam, Makel, Minos, and Diana and I'll tell you where Wetty is at so you can stop him from telling the truth about your so called battle with Kalemeet, and don't worry, he'll have no strength when you find him with my help, and he is somewhere on this mountain, but if you don't fulfill this deal by the day when the super blood moon comes out, and I will kill you all myself unless you both die..." Condi replied, standing up." Don't worry. They'll be dead soon my lord." Richard said bowing." Oh fuck." Ben sighed, shaking his horned head." Cum here boys cum join us in this pleasure pile." The woman told winking as the golden beast was passed out getting plowed by a red lizard man." Don't worry boys we won't bite." The Shadow Raper told, putting its tentacles around Ben who shuddered with disgust."
Back near the entrance the others were checking their armor and weapons. Ben and Richard returned to the group looking different. Ben returned with ruffled up fur and white froth coming from his mouth as his horns were curved and his eyes were white and dilated while Richard was even more muscular and had darker skin and dilated eyes." We need to leave now." Richard told as his voice was deeper." Say no more let's go." Liam said as he, Minos and Ricardo stood up." Good luck guys." Diana said, waving. Makel leapt at Liam and made out with him." That's in case you don't come back." Makel told as Liam's face didn't change. Liam smacked Makel who sighed as the two witches came to the group looking tired." Don't ever do that again, okay?" Liam asked." Just don't die on me alright, you too Minos." Makel told crying." We're tired, sorry we cannot help you for now, don't get too hurt now." Rinas told, sitting down by Diana." Whatever let's go before he escapes with the princess' life." Ben told." Don't worry Makel we'll be back." Minos promised, winking.
" ..."

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