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AquelRyus loudly sneezed as he, the blond man with the red book, the red minotaur and the monkey were in that guild which now had a flag of the red minotaur chiseled face on one side and a lion roaring on the other side." How does a dragon such as yourself catch a cold?" The blond man asked looking confused." All of this human filth that's how, now who wants to address the problem that we are dealing with?" AquelRyus asked as the little monkey sat next to him with a slight smile." Yeah those meddling punks that keep bringing down the dark towers and killing our forces are becoming quite the thorn in Neegrus backside, but don't worry I have led them to the Black Capital and destroyed them along with that dreaded place, and the rest are getting slaughtered by those primal beasts from Metal Mountain ." The blond man replied with a confident smirk." Those humans that keep getting lucky? Absolute rubbish, the real problem is that this drink is fucking weak and dirty, just like those mongrels that are weak, just like all other humans on this mongrel infested planet." AquelRyus answered with a scowl as the red Minotaur crossed his huge arms with an angry expression." Oh, never mind then." The blond man said, looking slightly disappointed in AquelRyus' answer." Well don't expect me to get in Neegrus way this time since these humans had it coming with the way they treat each other and their own planet." The red minotaur replied with a dull face." Yeah these humans are such jerks and are quite filthy like AquelRyus said." The little monkey said as she had a loud scratchy voice." Damn, guess I should have killed those two shite skinned monkeys , goddamn your voice is ridiculously dreadful." AquelRyus said looking bothered as gasps and groans were heard." Oh damn looks like our time has come." The old man said as clanking could be heard.
A seven foot tall human like creature that wore black armor that was rounded, had no armor covering its muscular grey scaled arms and wore black gloves, wore a circular helmet with dragon horns accompanied by a woman who had light brown skin, glowing yellow-green eyes, long grey hair, and had large buxom " features" that could barely be covered by her golden dress as she wore golden gauntlets and greaves and gold boots went up to the blond man and grabbed him with one arm as he dropped a massive blackened great shield, one so heavy, the ground shook like a mini earthquake." Give me one reason that I shouldn't kill you." The black knight asked, choking the blond man." Because He's the prince of the Legion of Booty and his father will have your head on a platter now let him go." The red bull man said as the black knight held a massive blade that looked like a club." Silence you depraved fool! This imbecile has destroyed the Black Capital just to kill some weak humans just to have the KKW come here to get in our way! Not only that, but those humans are alive! He's an disgrace to the Legion of Booty and an embarrassment to darkness just like those craven dogs from Metal Mountain that cannot even bring fear into a lowly rats heart!" The black knight furiously roared slamming the blond man to the wall." Those delusional mongrels spared those annoying humans talking about the " infinity booty" or some other ridiculously peverted bullshit, bunch of ignorant mongrels ." The woman said, crossing her slightly muscular arms." I'm *gargle... sorry... *gargles even more... didn't know..." The blond man strugglingly said as AquelRyus scoffed, lightly hitting the table." Sorry isn't enough you foolish traitor! Your worthless life ends today!" The black knight roared holding his blade up." Wait he didn't destroy the Black Capital! Freezo did it!" The blond monkey exclaimed raising her left hand up." Aw shit." AquelRyus sighed as he and the Red Bull man put their hands on their foreheads with disapproving faces. The black knight threw the blond man to the guild's bar and went up to the blond girl and asked" So it was freezo that destroyed the Black Capital? You're really sure it was him and not this cocky brat?" as AquelRyus shook his head." Bullshit, Fleezo is too faithful to darkness to do something as blasphemous as this, this little bitch is lying as usual." The woman told with an intense scowl."No it's true! Aquel..." AquelRyus quickly covered the little monkeys mouth before she could say anything else with a strait face." Why did you cover her mouth boy?" The black knight asked coming closer to AquelRyus ." Because she's about to lie again and I don't want to hear it." AquelRyus answered as sweat came off his face." You need to learn how to keep that little kraut in line." The red bull man said as the black knight picked up his massive great shield and the woman picked up the blond man, who was passed out as his neck was crushed .
A small cat man who had short pointy ears, light blue skin and dark blue hair that appeared to look like ice, two thick "horns" that had glowing golden horns, black eyes, and wore pika dotted blue robes over a light red suit walked in with a yellow skinned dog man also with pointy eyes and black eyes, dark yellow hair that seemed electrified, and wore an orange yellow gi (clothing worn by martial artists) and a dog woman who was almost identical to the yellow except the green dress and sun hat she wore which matched her eyes and hair." Yo Freeze, ain't that...? The yellow boy said as "Freeze" aka Freezo who was the "icey" man face turned from curios to spooked as he slowly started to back off." Hey Freezo, can I ask you some questions?"!The black knight asked as he and the golden dressed woman went to Freezo grew a slight smile and put his hands behind his back." Sure what do you wish to know oh great Dark General Facillus? I would be delig... I mean honored to answer any questions you may ask." Freezo answered, bowing as he looked and sounded wary." So tell the fucking truth, was it you who decided to destroy the Black Capital?" The golden dressed woman asked looking irate." What?!? The Black Capital was destroyed?!? What kind of creature would even do such a thing?...*gulp" Freezo hesitantly answered, sweating with a shaking smile." Apparently it was Prince Mazoll of the Legion of Booty, but I've heard rumors that it was you but it seems like those rumors are poorly based..." The black knight replied sounding confused." Well yeah they definitely are so I'll let you be on your way." Freezo said, wiping his wet face. The black knight and the golden dressed woman walked out of the guild as AquelRyus , Freezo and the red bull man relievedly sighed." Well that could have ended in a worse way." The yellow dog man said as he, Freezo and the yellow dog woman sat down by the red man." Very different that's why I told Wetty to keep that little ape in line." The red bull man replied with a scowl." Sorry I am to used to her not having a voice or teeth." AquelRyus said looking slightly embarrassed." Doesn't matter I need to tell you guys something..." Freezo said, drinking a cup of water as the yellow dog man and dog woman looked baffled." What do you need to tell us Mr. Freezo ?" The little monkey asked." That the ship has been fixed, just needed some new windows and an new bed and window in bedroom segment three-two." Freezo answered not looking bothered." Damn it I knew that I should have killed that guy." AquelRyus said, shaking his head." Or at least chain him up, you know how desperate creatures out here can be." The Red Bull man told." Fuck it let's drink the disappointment off." AquelRyus sighed." Now you're talking! The yellow dog man cheered as barrels were brought to the group.
"Don't worry about paying guys, its on me!"

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