The Fleeting Hope...

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Back at the camp the group was unsettled by the news Liam have gave as it given false hopes but also despair...
Liam went into the tent where Diana was in to see that she was staring at the tent's "walls" with a blank face as Rinas sat next to her with a sorrowful expression." Hey I know that you are suffering but we desperately need your help." Liam told as he looked intense. Diana kept staring at the "wall" with a blank face." Please Diana the entire human race needs you to stay strong, that creature will never hurt you again so get a grip already." Liam strongly said looking tense." Leave her alone, she's clearly suffering!" Linka exclaimed, slapping Liam who was stressed as he saw what happened in the guild.Liam grabbed Diana's left shoulder, only to get his nonmetal arm stabbed by a rusty dagger." Goooood daaaammnnnittt what the fwuuuckkk did you do thaat for you dumb senseless bitch!?! Liam roared as he took the dagger out with a furious face." I got reminded of him..." Diana answered crying as she was shaking." Told you to quit bothering her dumbass." Linka replied with a scowl." Sorry... I.. didn't.. mean to do that..." Diana weepingly said, wiping her face." It's okay, we saw the whole thing, you're pretty lucky that thing was horny." Ricardo replied as he walked in. Diana leaped into Ricardo's fairly muscular arms weeping as Minos and Makel walked in behind Richard." It's okay... that thing won't be fucking anything anymore, probably bleed out anyway." Ricardo said brushing Diana's hair with an sympathetic smile." Thank you... I don't think that... I... would be living... if you.. didn't.. come... for.. me.." Diana weepingly replied as Liam looked a little jealous." Don't worry about it just go get some sleep." Ricardo said." Yeah go get some rest." Liam replied with a slight smile. Diana slowly walked away deeper into the tent as the others walked out."
The six that left the tent walked out to see AquelRyus eating out of a carriage that was full of their rations with the little monkey as the Freezo and the yellow dog people were watching a pot of ham cook over the campfire." Fuck." Minos said as he and the others were furious." Looks like this camp was occupied." The yellow man said as AquelRyus kept eating." Your time is over you vile creature! Say your prayers!" Makel roared as She and Linka leaped at AquelRyus. Somehow the two women were enough to bring down AquelRyus, who was sluggishly squirming around as the little girl leaped away!" Liam held up a a massive axe that was made out of dragon bone reenforced by white scales and roared" Time to pay for what you done!" as Freezo and the yellow dogs looked smug as the little girl looked worried." Slay hiiiiiiimmmmmm!" Richard commanded as Wetty shook his head. Wetty head butted both of the women and lunged at Linka with unbelievable speed! Wetty savagely tore Linka apart as a desperate and distraught Liam then slashed at his rather sensitive and weak tail nearly cutting it off along with his left testicle making the blue creature roar in pain!" You monster!" The little girl yelled as the yellow woman held her back with an angry expression as Freezar and the yellow man were horrified." Yaaaaargggg! My nuts! My tail! You'll pay for this human!" Wetty roared as his light, scratchy Scottish voice/ accent was turning deeper and more romantic." Linkaaa noooo!" Makel cried as her left leg was clawed off as her upper back was clawed up." No your life ends now!" Liam roared as he drew the sword on Wetty's chest, only for it to break like it was wooden." AquelRyus stood up with bloodshot eyes that were completely red as his body was glowing and let out a roar that sounded like a monster strait out of the trenches and unleashed an explosion of blue light that lit up the forest!
The light faded away to show a massive dark blue scaled dragon with aquatic features such as a massive dorsal fin, gills, webbed feet with claws sharp enough to cut diamonds and bones, and fin like wings, completely red eyes, a cut tail, massive curved bull horns, spiked whiskers and razor blade like fangs." You stupid motherfucker..." Ben said as he helped Makel into her white armor. Otistauros slashed at the dragon's large scaled backside with a massive great axe, only to have his armor, weapons, and will broken by a massive tail swipe as the dragon let out a ferocious roar!" Liam using Linka's massive spear that was indued in holy light stabbed the beast's chest like it was butter which made the beast roar as it then let out a massive screech as it smacked him to a tree! Richard swatted at the beast with Ben, both using massive clubs only to be swatted away by a massive head sweep! The beast took to the sky, taking the spear out of its bleeding chest, looked at Richard and said in perfect English" I remember your smell kraut, you were that whimpering coward who fled after his sub army got destroyed by Kalemeet you don't deserve to be called a warrior just like those frail mongrels that got eaten when he arrived at that so called " MonsterSlaying  Adventurer Guild". as it then roared at his face in domination. Ricardo stabbed the beast's left eye as Makel slashed though its left arm and side with her katana like sword indued in holy light that seemed to soften up the dragon's scales, as Linka's spear went through its one last nutsack it was connected to a chain pulled by Minos who pulled it off neutering the beast which let out a painful roar! The dragon grabbed both Makel and Ricardo and roared as blood came from its mouth as its eyes briefly grew blue!" Freezar looked up and gasped." Oh fuck he's going hard now." The yellow man said looking surprised as the both girls looked horrified." What the fuck is that!?!" Liam asked looking baffled.
In the sky was a massive glowing meteor that was the size of the moon which was falling towards the forest." End times are coming and its all because of you." Ricardo said as he accepted his fate. Diana went out of the tent with the two witches and gasped as her body then started to glow." Snack time!" The dragon roared as it opened its huge mouth." Don't you dareee!" Diana trembly yelled as a massive beam of light came from her body! The dragon roared as it dropped the two it was holding as the beam incinerated it and destroyed the meteor!
AquelRyus fell out of the sky covered in wounds into the red man's arms as the group looked mystified by the blast." Drop that vile mongrel and I'll let you and your colored forest nigger friends go!" Liam ordered as Richard stood behind Freezo with Otistauros." Let me think... no." The red bull man replied with a scowl." We need to leave this place now!" The yellow man said looking wary." Huh? Why's that?" The red bull man asked looking confused." That woman over there is a dragonisgon magnet!" The yellow woman answered looking scared as the group trembled in fear." Fuck." The red man said.
The red bull man and the others disappeared...
" I'll be back that was a cheap shot...

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