Camp Problems

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At a camp in a forest not to far from the guild , the group that now has two twin witches that had light brown hair and caramel colored skin, a massive green skinned ogre with one scarred eye that wore black armor and had as massive spiked club, a white furred minotaur that has black spots and wore white scaled armor with a green fur cape and the two hunters from the guild." So Ricardo, is there a reason you dress like a woman?" Linka asked as Ricardo ( the hunter who wore the tunic) wore a light purple dress over chain mail armor." It's a long story, maybe I'll tell you after we slay Wetty." Ricardo answered as Richard ( the large muscular man) was doing push-ups with a tree on his back." Come on now we won't tell anyone." Minos ( the man wearing the blue scaled robe) replied as he sat near the witches who had their hands over the campfire." Trust me, you guys don't want to know." Richard said as he stood up." Yeah we do, now tell us." Ben ( the Minotaur) said sitting down by Linka, who was drinking some whiskey brewed in dragon's blood." I'll tell you nosy dogs my business when I feel like it so quit it!" Ricardo exclaimed as he stood up looking angry. Ricardo scoffed and stormed off." What a little bitch." Makel said as she came out wearing a green tunic that could barely hide her rather large features."Gawdamn woman you should be getting plowed while cooking some dinner, why are you killing monsters instead of raising children?" Ben asked as Minos jaw dropped as stretching was heard." Because women are able to do everything a man could do and because this little shit and his hotheaded brother need somebody to watch over them." Makel answered as Linka turned away looking jealous as she wore her white armor to hide her rather thin "features"." Goodness its been too long since I've seen you wearing actual clothes." Minos said looking horny. Makel scoffed as she sat down as Richard looked uninterested as he drunk out of a barrel made out of that tree he worked out with." Ugh, Disgraceful, isn't that your sister?" Rinas ( the older twin witch) asked looking disgusted." Adopted, me and Liam are actual brothers by relation while these three wenches who we only have around because they could fight are just three of the ten little girls I saved from AquelRyus herself , alone as Liam was too pussy whipped to do anything a long time ago." Minos answered, putting his arm over Rina ( the younger witch) who slapped it off." I told you to never ever discuss that story ever again Punknos, and quit lying you didn't save shit." Liam said as he came to the group shirtless and wearing blue scaly pants with Otistauros ( the ogre) next to him." What happened to your armor?" Linka asked as Makel bit her lip as the ogre held a young woman who wore torn leather armor." Just killed 10 dragons but I had a real fight with this black knight who told me a lot of interesting things about AquelRyus." Liam told as he and Otistauros looked rather exhausted." What about that big booty girl wearing that golden dress you tried so hard to fuck?" Otistauros asked as he dropped the young woman who looked dead." You two mages fix this girl up, it's imperative that he survives." Liam told looking stern." Yes sir!" The two witches replied at the same time, bowing." Don't touch her backside, just don't." Otistauros told as Liam looked tense." What happened to him?" Minos asked looking confused as the witches carried the young woman away."That's her business sorry." Liam replied looking bothered." I'll tell you if you and your sisters lay with me." Otistauros said looking horny." If you want to have that tiny thing you call a dick, never ever suggest such a horrible thing ever again." Makel replied looking disgusted as Linka loudly scoffed in disgust." Damn." Liam said as he and Minos looked shocked." What? Do you two want to get fucked by that thing?" Linka asked looking irate." Naw that actually made me a little horny and horrified actually so..." Minos replied with his hands on his back." Don't even think about it we need to focus on resting and maybe getting prepared." Liam said looking wary." Did you see Ricardo on your way back here?" Makel asked looking stern." Oh no, he sacrificed himself killing that beast." Liam answered with a slight smirk." Nice joke, real nice." Ricardo replied with a slight grin as he was covered in wounds." Hold on now, please tell me that creature is dead, right?" Minos asked with a bothered face." Yeah it's dead, wasn't easy though." Liam said, looking away. Rina walked up to the group with a straight face." Please tell me that woman is alive." Liam told looking serious as Otistauros looked tense." She's actually quite fine, just extremely shaken, and that she doesn't talk at all and her well... I won't say..." Rina replied looking glum." Dammit, just what I need, another victim to deal with." Liam sighed looking glum as Makel looked bothered." Victim of what?" Linka asked with a rosen eyebrow." Victim of cock blocking, that's what." Liam answered looking stressed." Ugh, disgusting what kind of flee infested whore were you trying to fuck this time?" Makel asked looking irate." Liam was trying to prove that he wasn't a manfucker by talking to a niggarpy dressed like a princess when Ricardo's dumb ass caught that black knight who has insane strength raping that woman who for an obvious reason, Liam tried to save." Otistauros answered as Liam and Ricardo then looked flustered in embarrassment." I told you, I didn't fuck him, I was choking him out for trying to fuck around and you were the one flirting with that wench, which good job at that." Liam said, slapping Otistauros' back." Whatever floats your boat, cock blocker." Otistauros replied turning away." Goodness I'm going to rest and pretend that this conversation never happened. Makel said filled with jealous disgust as she, Linka and Ricardo walked to their tents." So why did you want that woman to live since you're fucking dudes now?" Minos asked as Otistauros, Richard and Ben sat down around the fire." She's Diana Dragus one of the two DragonSearchers, the mark on her ass is unmistakable, thank Ricardo for saving her." Liam answered with a sly smile." Dammmmnnn, you serious? Holy Fucking Damn she looks way different than the rumors suggest." Minos replied as gasps were heard." What rumors?" Richard asked with a rosen eyebrow." Irreverent bullshit, now it's important that she recovers from the brutal rape that thing gave her because she is the key to slaying AquelRyus, that and a well placed dagger on her neck." Liam told, sitting down." Yeah that ain't happening until that thing dies and you seen what it did to that cock vampire that tried to hunt it, and that woman, I feel sorry for whoever lays with her, because damn." Otistauros replied, drinking out of a barrel." She will, or we're all fucked if AquelRyus turns up..." Liam sighed looking up with a glum expression.
" Could They Defeat Me with that? Oh Please Don't Make me laugh."

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