The Human Slaughter Force

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It was a peaceful day at the Mikonauw Village. A little villager boy was running around the small village that mostly consisted of small straw huts with his eight (8) little brothers. The sky turned red as thunderclouds appeared."I'm scared GuGu." The little boy said as a echoing roar could be heard." If you're scared, I'm scared. GuGu ( the 2nd youngest boy said, trembling. A massive meteor that was 3'000'000'000 meters wide and 600'000 meters long fell from the sky and crashed into the village, causing a massive explosion that caused a massive crater that was at least five billion times deeper than the Grand Canyon.
A door flew off the meteor. Out came out a 2.69 meter (8 feet) tall minotaur with orange red fur, glowing lava red afro, and black eyes came out of the meteor wearing a suit of armor made out of  red fire dragon scales with a black with white stripes fur cape came out of the meteor with AquelRyus and a little golden furred monkey wearing a white dress." What the fuck was that?!?" AquelRyus furiously questioned."An accident, that's what, be happy that it's gone. " The red minotaur answered with an irate tone and expression as the little monkey wrote on a notebook." You need to stop fucking around, the next beast that gets sent after us may catch us." AquelRyus told looking furious."Whatever man, be grateful we're alive." The red minotaur told, putting his hooves on his sides.The little monkey gave the red skinned man her notebook which had " Next time you try to run out of someone, don't.", to which he replied with as the notebook burst into flaming bull shit" Good idea too bad you're a beast." . "Come on now, that was ten dollars." AquelRyus exclaimed as the little monkey looked glum. " I was just teaching that little beast a lesson." The red skinned man told, crossing his huge muscular arms." And that lesson was?" Wetty asked with an irate tone."That when two grown men are taking, little creatures should keep their little opinions to themselves." The red man answered." Whatever you're going to get another one of those." AquelRyus told. The sky burst into flames as a mighty roar was heard. Wetty and the others looked to see a 150 meter long drake with red fur over its scales with black stripes, huge scaled bat wings and a huge black mane. "Man I thought we ditched this little old lizard ." AquelRyus scoffed as the little girl ran behind the red skinned man." Well you thought wrong you tiny weak little fish." The beast told as its mane was covered in flames." Ok you little old bastard, your..." The beast leaped before AquelRyus could finish his threat. The red man leapt at the beast, which then slammed him on the ground and roared. AquelRyus spat out a guzzle of freezing cold flame at the beast's back, only making the beast even madder as it let out an earth-shaking roar! The red minotaur sliced the beast's throat clean off with a mighty axe, but the beast was immortal as it regenerated! The beast then shook the red man around like a rag doll as it devoured him, until its massive scaled balls were blown completely off! The beast dropped the red man as it was weakened by its castration. AquelRyus and the red minotaur looked at the direction of the blast to see the little monkey holding a massive cannon!" Good work Monkii! Now blow this son of a bitch's head off!" Wetty roaringly commanded. Monkii (the little golden monkey) shot at the beast, which then leapt at her, only to have its stomach open by the red man's axe, finishing it off.
" Well that's done." AquelRyus said patting Monkii's back. " Hot damn, you have officially became a real man, showing off those big ass balls you have grown." The red minotaur gleefully told, sitting down in relief." You got that right." The young blond man with the red book replied as he came to the group." Who in the flying fuck are you?" AquelRyus asked with a raised eyebrow.

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