The Battle For The Princess

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Liam and the others followed Ferdinand around for five weeks as he traveled though many lands as Migros was a very far away place, until Fluffy decided to take a break. The group hid out by a hill that was near a forest that Ferdinand set up a camp by as Ferdinand had found some "friends" that were more than willing to "protect" the "princess" for him.
"This is our chance, let's go get the princess from that little bitch." Otistauros said." Wait until the sun sets down so that they cannot see us." Liam replied as a tent was set up." Yeah go rest, I'll keep watch." Makel said as she went out with only her left arm still broken as it was in a cast." Fine, but be careful out here." Minos said, laying down on the grass.
The sun has set as Liam and Minos crept up on Ferdinand's tent as Otistauros, Diana, and  Ricardo patrolled the area looking for his "friends". Clapping was heard from Ferdinand's tent as Fluffy was nowhere to be seen." Check that out, I'll keep watch." Liam told as the witches hid in the trees.
Minos quietly snuck into the tent to see Ferdinand having lustful sex with Marina who clenched his back as he thrusted vigorously as she screamed at his grizzled face." Come on now, what the fuck is this?" Minos scoffingly asked as Ferdinand has one green eye and has short black hair." Aw fuck, at least give me five more minutes." Ferdinand sighed as he shook his head." Fuck no, get off and give us the princess or die." Minos said holding up his chains." You aren't in a position to tell me shit." Ferdinand told as he stood up with a smirk as fighting was heard." Put your clothes on, run to the forest as fast as you can while yelling for Fluffy as loud as you can." Ferdinand told as he and Minos circled each other.Minos swung his chain at Marina yelling "Not so fast!", only for the chain to get caught and smashed by Ferdinand. " How about you fight me like a real man?" Ferdinand asked as Marina ran out the tent in her dress." Fine, let's." Minos said as he circled Ferdinand.
Liam was in an intense fight with a man wearing yellow samurai armor with red stripes and a grey lion mask who wielded two short katanas as Diana ran by them yelling "Fluffy!" ." What the fuck?" Liam asked as Marina was not wearing her shoes or underwear. The "samurai" put his left sword at Liam's neck saying "Pay attention, your death could have happened the instant you looked away but I didn't want your last words to be excuses." as Liam only had one arm. Liam snatched the blade and quickly cut though the other one and stabbed though the samurai's armor!" Keep taking, say your last words while I'm listening." Liam told as he held the sword to the "samurai's" neck. The samurai took his armor off to show that he was Asian, has a tan, had long dark brown hair and black eyes and has short cut up ears." Nice little cut, now fight me like a real man, so you can die like your father and sister." The "samurai" said with a scowl." Bad choice for last words." Liam told as he leaped at the "samurai" only to get knocked down by a flying knee! Liam slowly got up only to get a massive 60 punch combination to his stomach and got send flying to a tree by a massive backflip kick!" This is too easy, I knew that Ferdinand was lying when he said you and your little friends somehow escaped Wetty's wrath, bet one of yourselves gave yourselves to it." The "samurai" said as Liam struggled to get up." Now your life ends here, swiftly and easily like your foolish father!" The "samurai" yelled as he leaped at Liam!
"Man there ain't shit around here. I saw like five guys around that punk." Otistauros complained." Yeah right, be on your guard. A long sword went straight through Otistauros' back like it was butter, making him fall on one knee!" Otis! No!" Ricardo yelled as Otistauros was kicked onto the ground as his back was stabbed again! The assailant, a short woman who wore a black ninja uniform with a red cape, had black skin and red eyes, razor sharp claws and teeth, and long red hair, went to the two, licking her lips, when a massive axe hit Ricardo, who flew to a tree as he looked dead." Oh my g... Ricardo!" Diana screamed as tears came from her worried eyes." Four weak bitches down, one to go." A tall pale skinned man who was bald with a long black beard, wore iron plated armor waist down with a cloth made out of tiger fur covering his waist, was shirtless as he had "Loyal" on his chest "written" with hair, and had dark blue eyes and large bulbous lips came up to the women as he pulled his axe off of Ricardo's back with a smirk." You have a choice fellow woman, leave or die like those two pieces of filth." The woman told as the bald man grew a sly smile." Naw, I'm going to plow her and dump her body in the same pit as these two." The bald man replied." Fine, whatever, I'm going to protect the princess, for him..." The woman said as she disappeared...
The bald man held Diana up with one hand as he went to his tent." Don't worry, I'll be gentle, for five minutes." The bald man told with a grin." You won't be doing shit..." Diana growled, crying as she was brutally beaten. As the bald man went right in front of his tent, he was stabbed in the back by Ricardo who was bloody as Otistauros tacked him as Ricardo caught Diana in his arms! Ricardo put Diana down and grabbed the bald man's axe off the ground as Otistauros was getting utterly beaten by him." Kill that son of a bitch while I find that little bitch alright?" Diana asked as Ricardo ran to the bald man with his axe.
The bald man was wailing on Otistauros who was unconscious." Weak ass creature, just like the rest." The bald man said looking irate. The bald man was swiftly beheaded by a massive swing from Ricardo as his body fell down as it was limp." Here we go." Ricardo said, picking Otistauros up.
Marina ran in the forest with Makel right behind her as a tree branch fell down in front of her!" Get away! I'm Ferdinand's now as he will rule Migros with me, you filthy bitch!" Marina yelled as she held up a stick as her feet were bloody." He ain't the one for you, girl. Trust me, once he gets his money, you're never going to see him again, hopefully y'all didn't fuck because he doesn't understand the meaning of "loyal".". Makel told as Marina backed away." Bullshit! What I felt when he put himself into me was love! Nothing else because when he comes to Migros, he will not get any money, but my hand in marriage!" Marina yelled looking obsessed." He isn't going to stay at Migros very long sweetie, just spare yourself the disappointment and come with us." Makel told." When will you fools know that "no" means no?!? Fuck off and slay Wetty, oh wait you can't because you know it'll kill you the next time you fight it so you just want to fuck around with us but you made a grave mistake." Marina told as large, clanging stomps were heard. Makel leaped at Marina, only to get caught by a green dragon's fangs!
"Fluffy! Where are you yyyyooooouuuuu?!?"

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