Sea Glass

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I sighed remembering that meeting with Ransom and how I wished I could have just warded him off that night. Ransom Drysdale was my weakness from the minute I looked in his eyes. I decided that work wasn't going to be a possibility today and I stood up to leave my office.

"Janie, I am not feel the best and I think I am going to head home. If there are any important calls that come through put them through to my cellphone but anything else take a message." I said and she nodded. I walked out of the office and when I got out to my car I noticed a familiar car parked by mine.

"Fuck Ransom, go away." I said annoyed as he got out of his car.

"Come on Faithy I just want to talk." Ransom said and I just groaned.

"Talk? Now you want to talk?! Too little too late Ransom! We could have talked months ago when you started feeling the way you did. Instead you pushed me to just leaving like I did Ransom and screaming things at you. I loved you Ransom, all I wanted was to talk to you about the possibility of marriage and kids. You panicked and said there was no way we could discuss that at this point in our lives and I have to wonder why." I said and Ransom sighed.

"Faithy..." Ransom said and walked up to me and took my hands. "Please..." Ransom said and I groaned.

"Ransom don't make this harder than it needs to be. I left you, I don't love you anymore." I said and Ransom shook his head and pulled my flush against his body. He sighed and looked in my eyes.

"Marry me Faith." Ransom said and I huffed a laugh.

"You can't be fucking serious...." I said and pulled my hand out of his and pushed him away.

"Why can't I be?" Ransom asked.

"Because you are incapable of love and marriage Ransom! You are just doing this because you think it's all I want." I said and Ransom growled running his hands through his hair.

"God! You are so frustrating and infuriating! You want to be married, you push the subject, now that I'm proposing you tell me no. What the hell is wrong?!" Ransom yelled.

"You Ransom!! You are the problem, you are what's wrong. I gave up everything for you. I almost gave up my business to be with you because you wanted a little miss homemaker. Ransom, you still mean so much to me and somewhere in my heart I may still love you but you need to make more of an effort than coming here to my place of work and waiting by my car." I said and Ransom groaned. I went to get in my car and looked at Ransom. His blue eyes were showing hurt that I knew I was feeling as well. Ransom Drysdale was my life for 2.5 years and all I ever saw was him. It was time to live for myself again.

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A few days later I was sitting at my house going over some files for parties that needed planned when there was a knock on my front door and I sighed getting up. When I got up to answer it I saw a delivery man standing there.

"Faith Carlson?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes." I said and he handed me a clipboard to sign. Once I signed he handed me a small box and walked away. I was confused by what this was and who it was even from. When I opened the box there was a note.


Do you remember that time you made me be a normal human and you collected all the sea glass leaving in that jar in my house? Well I hope you enjoy what I did with one of the pieces.

Always yours,


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