No Plus Side

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*****1 MONTH LATER*****

I was lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a fetal monitor and completely pissed.

"Ransom, he was fine! Why are we even here? I know this boy, he was pissed that she was trying to get a good view of him." I said and Ransom groaned. He was pacing in the room.

"Faithy, I love you and I say this the kindest way possible...can you just fucking stop for one second?!" Ransom said annoyed.

"He is fine..." I mumbled and Ransom just looked at me. The room fell into silence and I just laid in bed looking at this swollen stomach. I had my 8-month check you this morning and our son decided he wanted to be stubborn like his father and not be seen. With this caused his heartrate to spike and then drop drastically low. I was rushed to the hospital and now I was hooked to a fetal monitor and Ransom was nothing but a nervous wreck. I started playing with my engagement ring and Ransom noticed. He sighed and walked over to me knowing if I was fidgeting I really was worried. He came over and grabbed my hand.

"Okay, baby name time. No more stalling Faith." Ransom said and I smiled. He placed a hand on my stomach. "They will be the ones to make the choice. They kick with a name it's what we go with." Ransom said and I gave a small laugh and shook my head.

"Fetus's don't get to decide Ransom." I said and he smiled. "I think I have names though that have been sticking in my mind like crazy so I hope you like them." I said, Ransom sighed but nodded.

"Okay, what do you got?" Ransom asked.

"Lila Pearl and Tyler Cooper." I said and Ransom smiled.

"You have been holding out on me Faithy." Ransom said, he pulled me into a small kiss.

"You really like them?" I asked and he nodded.

"I do! They are amazing! Lila and Tyler. Perfect." Ransom said and I smiled. I sighed knowing that was done, the nursery was complete, everything was bought and I was just wanted to go home and finish baking these babies. I dozed off as did Ransom and his head was beside mine sharing my pillow when he heard the door open.

*****RANSOM POV*****

I woke up when the doctor come in. I tried not to wake Faith knowing I wanted to talk to him first knowing whatever blow good or bad he was going to deliver I needed to know first to hold her and get her through this.

"Mr. Drysdale, we could maybe wake Faith up." The doctor said and I shook my head.

"Doc I need to know before her. I need to know so I can be prepared to help her through whatever she needs. She wont be mad and she will be grateful in the me." I said and the doctor sighed.

"Ransom...please...let's wake her." The doctor said and I panicked. I walked over and kissed her cheek.

"Faithy, I need you to wake up sweetie, the doctor is here." I whispered and she whimpered. I smiled and gave her another kiss. "Now is not the time to be stubborn Faith." I said and she sighed and opened her eyes and I smiled. "The doctor is here." I repeated and then I helped her get situated. She looked panicked when she saw the doctors face.

"Did he tell you?" Faith asked me and I shook my head.

"No, he wants to tell us both together." I said, Faith grabbed my hand so tight but I didn't care. She could squeeze the life out of me as long as the babies were fine.

"What I need you both to understand is this isn't news I like to deliver when the mother is so far along and so close to her due date but could still use time." The doctor started off saying. "But with everything that happened with you son today and the fetal printouts are still showing him in distress and it's causing his sister some distress as well. We feel like it would be the best option to have a c-section immediately, get them out and end the distress." The doctor continued. I felt nothing, I didn't feel Faith squeezing me anymore, I didn't feel my heart beating although I knew it was beating out of my chest. I looked down at Faith and damn if she wasn't looking at me with those eyes that got me every time. I placed my hand on her cheek.

"This is safe right?" Faith asked finally and looked at the doctor.

"I wont lie, there are some concerns and risks but it would be better to get them out and see what we are working with." The doctor said.

"I get the twins safety is the main concern but what about Faith? Is she safe?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"Ransom, like I said there are risks with every surgery." He said. I looked down at Faith and she looked at me and then at the doctor.

"If it comes down to it I want the babies save, not me." Faith said.

"What?! No! Have you lost your fucking mind?! I don't want these demon kids if they take you away from me!" I yelled. I saw the look Faith gave me instantly, I knew I fucked up, I said what I said and that was that.

"Ransom..." Faith said and I shook my head, looking at the doctor.

"She stays alive at all costs, no matter what it takes. Do you hear me?!" I yelled and the doctor nodded.

"We are prepping the OR now. Someone will be in to take you shortly." The doctor said.

"Can Ransom come?" Faith asked and he walked out.

"Of course, we will get him a gown to wear." The doctor said and left. Faith looked at me and started punching my arm.

"" Faith said with every punch. I just took it from her.

"I said what I said and I mean it Faith, I wont lose you. We can always try for more babies but I will not lose you. You belong with me if you are gone I have no reason to live. I love you." I said with tears in my eyes and then I passionately kissed her. We both just started crying and we held each other. Soon the door opened.

"It's time." The nurse said and handed me a gone for over his cloths and a hairnet. Faith smiled at me.

"I wish I had a camera." Faith said and I groaned as she was wheeled to the OR and I followed behind. This was it, our lives were about to get hard or harder, there was no plus side.

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