Man Up Ransom

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Once we left the hospital, Ransom drove me back to Harlan's. We walked in and he came out of his office.

"What did the doctor say?" Harlan asked and I groaned and Ransom laughed.

"Someone is stuck on bedrest from now until the end of her pregnancy. I was hoping we could move her to the downstairs bedroom?" Ransom asked and Harlan nodded.

"Of course we can. Marta!" Harlan yelled, she came walking in and saw Ransom and I. I smiled at her.

"Can you please go get everything you brought over for Faith from our room and move it down here?" Ransom asked and she nodded. We headed into the bedroom and Ransom helped me get changed into pajama's once Marta brought everything down. I got in bed and Ransom got beside me.

"Ransom..." I said as he placed a hand on my stomach and rubbed gently.

"I fucked up Faithy, I keep fucking up and I promise you I will make it right. These babies and you mean everything to me. I love you all." Ransom said and I gave him a small smile.

"Ransom, there is never a doubt I have always loved you I just don't have to always technically like you." I said and he groaned but nodded.

"I know." Ransom said.

"You do realize I will be staying her some nights, right?" Ransom said and I sighed.

"I know Ransom, but you have to give me breaks sometimes too." I said and he nodded.

"I know. We also need to figure out how to do counseling. I mean I can get up and make food and simple things, but I can't be traveling out, only doctor's appointments." I said.

"We will work on that tomorrow. Today I just want to lay in bed with you, make sure you're comfortable, watch movies...whatever you want to do." Ransom and I nodded.

"Sounds nice, but I have work to do." I said reaching for my laptop and Ransom took it from my hands once I had it. "Ransom!" I said annoyed.

"No stress Faith." Ransom said and I growled.

"You are stressing me out more, give me my work. I just have some invoices to type up and e-mails to send. I need to tell some people about this and then call Janie." I said and Ransom sighed and handed me my computer.

"Fine but I monitor you and any sign of stress..." Ransom trailed off.

"Any sign of stress, you can take the computer away." I said and he kissed my cheek as he turned the tv on. As I was working Marta came walking in with a tray of food and I smiled at her.

"Marta, you didn't have to do this..." I said sweetly and she smiled.

"Of course I did, you need taken care of and Harlan has said you are my responsibility now." Marta said and I pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you sweetie." I said and she smiled. She looked at Ransom.

"Harlan also said he would like to see you in his office once you eat." Marta said and Ransom nodded. Marta walked out and Ransom groaned getting up.

"Hey, after we eat." I said and grabbed his hand. He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

"He probably wants to give me an ass chewing, I think I would rather get it done now." Ransom said and I laughed as he walked out.

*****RANSOM POV*****

I walked to Harlan's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He said and I walked in. He saw me and sighed. "Sit Ransom." Harlan said and I sighed and sat on the opposite side of his desk from him.

"Harlan..." I started to say.

"No, you let me talk." Harlan said and I sighed but went silent. "Do you see what you have done to that poor girl? You have put her on bedrest now for months! She is living her with me...which I don't mind, I love Faith, sometimes more than my own children. You did this all to her Ransom. All her pain, all her hurt, everything is on you. Your mother and I thought counseling would be the best thing for both of you but I'm guessing it's causing more problems than helping." Harlan said and I shook my head.

"I'm causing more problems, not counseling or Faith. It's me." I spoke up.

"All because you won't man up and at least get engaged! Ransom you are a damn adult, don't you think it's time to start acting like it? I mean you got a girl pregnant with twins! The girl you swear you would jump off a cliff for yet, you refuse to propose. What the hell Ransom?" Harlan asked.

"I'm going to screw it up, we have all seen what I have done so fair in our relationship. I mean 3 months into dating because we weren't "exclusive" she caught me in the green house with Margie Parks. I just don't know how to change my life around and be the Ransom I need to be for her." I said.

"You know...I see a lot of me in you, it's scary sometimes but I do. When I met your grandmother, I never wanted to get married but damnit if she wasn't the one from the minute I met her. I started asking her to marry me on our 4th date. I changed because I had the right woman finally and I knew to keep her I had to change my ways. Now...I was still a little of a rebel by the time your mother was born. I'll tell you Ransom, the minute you hold a baby in your arms, nothing else matters except the child and the mother. I need you to see that Ransom and I need you to make things right with Faith. I'm not saying right now or even in the near future, but you need to really make sure her and these babies are what you want your life to be because if not, let her go now. I will help her with everything and you can be involved as much as you want to be." Harlan said and I looked at him annoyed.

"I will be in Faith and the baby's life! I'm never leaving her! She is mine and I'm hers." I said and Harlan smiled at me.

"Good." Harlan said and set a box on his desk. I leaned forward and took it. "I was supposed to give it to your mother when her and Richard got married, she doesn't deserve it, Faith does." Harlan said. I opened the box to see a ring I had only seen in pictures. It was my grandmothers ring and I smirked at Harlan.

"Thank you for this...all of this. Her staying her, Marta helping her, this talk...all of it." I said and slightly held up the ring box.

"Just make it all right Ransom." Harlan said and I got up and left the office. When I got back into the room I saw Faith fast asleep and her food plate empty. I smiled knowing she finally ate. I got in bed gently beside her and just laid there looking at the ring box Harlan just gave me.

"Man up Ransom." Harlan's ran in my head. I nodded and put the ring in my pocket. I finished the food left for me then I cuddled next to her and quickly fell asleep.

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