Tyler & Lila

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*****RANSOM POV*****

I'm sitting between two incubators with my babies in them sleeping. I hadn't slept in days, I was either here or with Faith. My mom had been amazing helping me split the time. When Faith gave birth she got the kids out no problem and everything seemed to be going fine until she passed out on us having a bad reaction to the anesthetic. She had slipped into a coma, the doctor keeps informing me it was mild and she would come out soon it had been 3 days. 3 days without her voice, her smartass comments...everything about her. I looked at Lila, she started stir and I smiled.

"Hey princess." I said leaning in closer to her and smiled.

"You are beautiful like your mama, maybe prettier." I said. The nurse came walking over.

"Since she is awake, would you like to hold her?" She asked. I felt like I was betraying Faith, I need to show my children that a parent was here so I nodded. We got all set up and they put her on my chest. She snuggled into me like Faith does when she puts her head on my chest, my eyes filled with tears.

"Mr. Drysdale?" The nurse asked concerned, I shook my head.

"It's fine." I said and she walked away. I looked at Tyler.

"This could have been you little dude, or are you too cool for cuddles already?" I said and him and smiled. I sighed thinking about the last couple of days and how we got here.


"Okay Faith we are going to put you under a little." The doctor said and she nodded. She smiled up at me.

"Ready daddy?" She asked me and I placed a hand on her cheek.

"Ready mommy." I said and gave me a small kiss. I saw them started top put her under slightly. They didn't want her fully under. It seemed so quick that Tyler and then Lila were out, then everything went to shit. Machines started going off, I looked at Faithy and her head had fallen to one side and she was unresponsive. Before I could ask any questions, they were pushing me out of the room. I was sent to the waiting room with my parents and Harlan...I didn't want to leave her, I could lose her. I sat down and just waited. An hour later the doctor came walking out and up to us, we all stood up. I felt my mother grab my hand to keep me steady.

"The twins are healthy and doing fine. We placed the in the NICU nursery as a precaution since they are early." The doctor said and I let out a small sigh.

"And Faith?" I heard myself ask. The doctor sighed. "Doctor?!" I asked getting pissed. I felt my father place a hand on my shoulder.

"She had a reaction to the anesthetic, and it sent her into a mild coma. We know she will wake up in a few days it's nothing to worry about. Once it's all out of her system." The doctor said. I saw red and I just wanted to rip this guy's head off.

"You said you would save her first!" I yelled.

"I said I would try." The doctor said. Linda and Richard held me back from lunging at this man.

"Thank you." Harlan said and the doctor walked away. I broke down on tears.

"Hey, she is still alive. She is going to be fine. She will wake up and be so happy to see you. How about we go see those adorable babies. They need you Ransom." Linda said and I nodded knowing she was right. Once we walked in, I was directed to my babies and a chair to sit in. I started crying again instantly.

"I can't do this alone." I muttered.

"You won't have to, you have us. In fact, we will go sit with Faith now and we will start switching off and on? How does that sound?" Linda asked me and I nodded.

"Great mom, thanks." I said and she kissed my cheek. Her and Richard left but Harlan pulled up another chair.

"Are you going to introduce to me to my great grandchildren?" Harlan asked and I just huffed a laugh and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You are a Thrombey, you are strong and tough, as are these babies and Faithy has our spirit. Everything will be perfect." Harlan added and I smiled with a nod.


"Mama will be in here soon, I promise." I said to both kids. I then smiled. "She is going to be so jealous I got to hold you first princess." I said down to Lila. She is just the precious thing I had ever seen and I never wanted to let her go. "Even Mimi is going to be so mad." I whispered to her. She was fast asleep again against me and I just put my head back and rocked gently in the chair.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I woke up and strained to look around the room and I saw Linda sitting beside me and I smiled weakly.

"Hey." I said and she looked up shocked but was excited.

"Oh sweet girl!" Linda said and rushed me to hug me. I smiled as she did. She was gentle and I looked around.

"I love seeing you but where is Ransom?" I asked and she smiled.

"Let me see if we can get you out of bed. There are 2 people who I know are dying to meet you." Linda said and I smiled.


Linda and I got permission to get me out of bed and I was basically bouncing in excitement to get to see my babies...and Ransom. She wheeled me in and put me right next to him.

"So she is a daddy's girl already I see." I said. Ransom snapped his head up and looked at me to see me smiling. He held tightly to Lila but leaned over and passionately kissed me.

"Oh you have no clue how good it is to hear your voice and see you awake. You scared me Faithy." Ransom said. I leaned in and kissed him again.

"Come on did you not think I didn't have a fighting chance?" I asked and he groaned with a smile as he handed me Lila as the nurse got Tyler out for Ransom to hold.

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