-pep rally-

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y/n was driving Mike, Dustin, and Lucas to the pep rally and to school as school starts after the pep rally. 

Steve and Robin we're driving still a couple of Miles away talking about girls. 

"Paused at 53 minutes and 5 seconds" Steve said to Robin talking about Vicki "who pauses 'fast times' at 53 minutes 5 seconds?" there was a silence between them before Steve started talking again "people who like boobies!" steve exclaimed "ew! gross don't say boobies!" Robin said disgusted at her friend Steve "not a big deal ok?! I like boobies! you like boobies! Vicki likes boobies" the 2 we're arguing but stopped once they pulled into the school.

y/n was in the locker room with the basketball boys in a line to her right and the cheerleaders in a line on the left, she was nervous as she did this before and will have to do it again after school for their big game. The principal came in letting her know that she goes out in 10 which he gets a nod from y/n which she turns around facing Jason and Chrissy who are in front of the 2 lines

"alright dip shit no stupid stuff alright say anything dumb and I will kick you off the team" y/n said serious "you can't do that" Jason replied back "actually she can" Lucas butt in "thank you Lucas but just watch 3 warnings and your off got it?" "alright got it" 

It was time and y/n patted her shirt that says 'Hawkins High" on the front and 'Art club" on the back with wiped her mid-washed jeans down and went out to the middle of the court.

"Hey Hawkins High friends and Family! Yea it's early but heres to our basket ball team, Cheerleaders, and Band for honoring us in our games! even though we suck" y/n whispers the last part which got a few chuckles from the blenchers "but I like to welcome our wonderful Band! We have our two leaders Robin Buckley and Vanya Million!" y/n said than the band team came out with Vanya million in the front and Robin the middle. "Than our Cheerleaders! Team captain is the queen of Hawkins High herself Chrissy Cunningham!" the girl with the colorful shirt that has paint splatter all over her shirt moved towards the bleachers as the cheerleaders did flips and tricks, the girl went back out to announce the basketball team. "last but not least our basketball team with Jason" y/n gave him the mic as she went and found her older brother in the bleachers

Everyone listened to his speech but once he started talking about billy she felt eyes on her and Max. She went down the bleachers and took the mic from Jason saying bye to everyone and what the game would be than she grabbed his wrist and pulled him in the hallway. 

"what the hell Jason!" y/n said angry but was sad remembering what happen that night with the mind flayer she would have nightmares but it stopped after a while "what? I can't say that stuff about billy?" he asked knowing what he did which got a slap on the face from y/n.

She walked away to find Max but bumped into someone

"watch we're your going asshole" y/n said not in the mood

The girl looked for her friend but didn't find her and was going to wait till lunch. She went to her first period which had Robin in it and that cheered her up once she saw her. 


Eddie was late as usual he was walking to his class when a girl bumped into him but he didn't really see what she looked like only cause she called him an asshole and ran away but he just shrugged it off walking to his first period obviously late but that was he routine, wake up late, be late to class, play D&D with his hell fire club, sometimes do drugs but he hasn't in awhile, play his guitar, and sleep everyday nothing changes.


Do u guys like what I did when ppl r talking or should I keep it how I used to ?

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