-The upside up-

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Soon the boat crew was able to see the Land crew thru the hole

"hey assholes missed me?" y/n remarked with a smirk looking up at them "definitely didn't miss the smart mouth" Steve mumbled

Lucas and Max left to go get a mattress while Dustin and Erica was tying sheets together and y/n and Eddie we're talking to eachother. Lucas and Max place down the bed and it had stains on them

"Those stains are uh" "I dunno what those stains are" Eddie said and Robin hummed a 'mmm'

They threw the rope up and Robin started climbing and landed on the Mattress "that was fun" than Eddie went next "that was fun" Eddie repeated robin and y/n helped him up and they both hugged

"glad your ok" y/n said

Soon it was Nancy turn to go but Venca took her

"STEVE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH NANCE?" y/n yelled "HE TOOK HER WE NEED MUSIC NOW!" steve yelled back, everyone but Erica went to the room to find music after a while Erica comes running in "Steve said you need to hurry!" "yeah no shit!" "we're trying we can't find anything!" "What is all this shit?!" "what are you even looking for" Eddie and y/n came in "Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? music we need music!" "THIS IS MUSIC!" "shit shit shit how could I forget?!" y/n said and everyone looked at here confused "MY BACKPACK" "WHAT'S SO DAMN IMPORTANT ABOUT A STUPID BACKPACK Y/N?!" "IT HAS MY MIX TAPE WITH ONE OF ME AND NANCE'S FAV SONG!" "THAN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!"

They all run out and y/n looks threw her bag and find the mixtape and the song 'footloose'

"ALRIGHT STEVE I'M COMING DOWN!" y/n yelled and didn't listen to everyone saying no, she went down still holding on to the rope so she doesn't hurt herself even more and put the headphones and started playing the song and tried talking to Nancy to wake

"the hell is footloose going to do?" steve asked "do I have to explain everything?! When me and Nancy would hang out and not with mike or holly we would always listen to this song and dance around, in her room or in the rain or even at our house!"

Nancy than wakes up from her trance she was in and falls with steve catching her and she had tears in her eyes. The trio then went back on and covered the entrance of the opened Gate

"uh y/n your nose is bleeding again" "I'm fine uh Eddie where's your bathroom?" "Down the hall to the right" "thanks"

y/n goes to the bathroom as Nancy tells everyone about what happen


I really don't know what's been going on with my constant nose bleeds but it's whatever at this point I washed my face and looked in the mirror, I was about to leave but when I turn around the door isn't there and I'm somewhere else in the attic of a house? I looked around scared and confused

"EDDIE? STEVE? ROBIN? MAX?" I yelled no response "they can't here you" a voice said I turned around to the voice and saw a thing or monster "I see we meet again 008" "what the hell are you talking about?" I asked "oh right you would have been 008 but you we're never brought to the Lab because of how dangerous you are" "what do you want from me? where are my friends and family" "I want you to come and join me on my side" "no I would rather die!" "oh I see than I will have to kill off Max as I already have her and than your friends and Family" "I'm not number 008 or anything! I'm not even from a stupid Lab! leave me and my family and friends alone!" "go ahead test it out" the thingy said getting closer "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled and the thing went flying back but I don't have powers like El I wouldn't I don't even have the tattoo, "I know your weakness y/n" "NO YOU DON'T!" "your scared of losing your love ones even your older brother" "T-That's a l-l-lie" "oh so be it you care about him more than your own boyfriend" "take this was a warning"

With everyone else

"y/n been in there for awhile" Eddie said noticing y/n hasn't came out "I'm going to check on her" Eddie said getting up and going to the bathroom "HOLY SHIT!" he yelled Steve than got up and saw y/n "G-GUYS GET THE MIXTAPE AND HER FAVORITE SONG!" "WHAT'S HER FAVORITE SONG?" lucas yelled "I DON'T KNOW HER FAVORITE SONG! HOW AM I SUSPOSED TO KNOW?!" "SHE'S YOUR SISTER HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?!" "IT'S BLUE SUEDE SHOES BY THAT ELVIS GUY!" Eddie yelled remembering she told him that

Max ran with the mixtape and headphones putting it on y/n who than came back 5 seconds after the music started playing she was shaking, Steve brought her over to the couch and she sat next to Eddie who was holding her hand for comfort

"what way he saying?" "uh he he uh said t-that he was gonna kill all of you guys starting off with Max and he knows my weakness and if he does I won't be able to take it and I-I'm scared of losing you all that's my weakness especially Steve" y/n said looking Steve in the eyes "He's going to get to y/n to scare her by using me" "do you know where h-" "I saw him he was connected to these things before waking up or whatever it's an a attic of a house" "victor creel's house" Robin said "but he also said I have powers like El almost and and he's right I think cause somehow I yelled with anger and it shot him back"

The group of kids left and stole a RV and drove to the weapons store, y/n and Max both listening to their music. y/n is sitting cuddled up next to eddie as the sat down and Eddie was rubbing her arm.

"Alright Eddie, Dustin, and y/n you guys stay in here" steve said as he parked the RV "but-" y/n started "no buts your already in enough danger as it is just be safe till, we get back alright? I love you sis" "I love you too"

The group left and went into the store

"hey y/n?" Eddie asked softly taking off her headphones "yea?" "um never mind" "no tell me might as well since I might be dying soon" "your not gonna die" dustin said "I know it's late but with everything going on and I'm pretty much wanted dead by the whole town but I was wondering you wanted to be my gi-" "I would love to Munson but I'm goning to have to tell Steve today" "oh yea I get that whole brother and sister thing" "god do you ever shut up" y/n said kissing him "hey I'm still here!" Dustin said and y/n rolled her eyes playfully and Eddie threw a pillow towards him.

y/n took off her necklace that she was wearing and put Eddie's ring on it "don't want it getting lost" and Eddie smiled "can I put these back on?" "yea go ahead"

y/n put her headphones back on and closed her eyes but Eddie pulled her on his lap which came to shock from y/n but she got comfortable and laid her head on his chest and everyone came running in

"what happened?" Eddie asked "Jason and his gang are here" Lucas said as Steve
started driving. They soon got to a field and started preparing for a battle against Vecna



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