-The harringtons-

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the Harrington siblings went outside and y/n folded her arms knowing what this was about

"Can we not talk about this right now?" Y/n asked her brother "no I want to talk about this right now what the hell!" He exclaimed putting his hands on his hips "I leave you for one night y/n one fucking night and your already hooking up with him!" "It's really not a big deal honestly" "you say that now but onc-" y/n cut him off finishing his sentence"once he breaks my heart it's a big deal blah blah blah Steve we're not even dating! I known him for one day! I'm not like one of your many girlfriends or ex girlfriends whatever and even if I know he's the right one!" "Look I'm just trying to be a good big brother alright and I hate seeing you hurt especially after what happened!" "You are a good brother either way but when you do shit like this it pisses me off! "I like Eddie alright he's a funny and good looking guy better looking than you to be honest but yea maybe I do have a crush on him and he made me laugh when is the last time you seen me laugh? Like a actual laugh and shit I'll even marry him with ring pops or paper rings" "alright fine as long as your happy but I swear if he hurts you I will turn him in even if he's innocent" y/n chuckled and hugged her brother but what they didn't know especially y/n that Eddie and pretty much everyone else heard and Eddie had a big smile on his face

The two went back in and everyone was just staying there for a bit till dusk when everyone went home although y/n didn't want to leave Eddie she had to get clean and change into new clean clothes. Everyone said their goodbyes. Everyone was staying at the Harringtons house, Robin took the guest bedroom as she usually does when she spends the night, Dustin has the couch, and Max was staying in y/n room with her.

"um these are some clothes that don't fit me anymore you can try them on if you want" y/n said as Max didn't have anything to wear and Gave robin some of her clothes to sleep in and to have for tomorrow. After that Robin went into her room while y/n and Max got settled on the bed max starring at the celling and y/n facing the window.

"y/n" the red hair girl said softly "yea?" she asked her friend "how come your friends with us?" she asked and y/n got up confused "what do you mean?" "like how come your friends with people younger than you like steve" "oh well I mean most people my age are rather total asses, having sex getting pregnant, doing drugs or going to Jail, and being asses like I said besides you guys are cool like more cool than people my age" y/n admitted "I'm glad I met you like your really cool better than Steve" "am I your favorite Harrington?" "yea you are" the girls both laugh and went to sleep but y/n got woken up by the walkie talkie hearing it's from Eddie, she looked and saw Max sound asleep so she let her sleep for right now as she needs it.

"y/n?! henderson?! someone answer me! FOR FUCK SAKES SOMEONE PICK UP I'M ON LIFE OR DEATH HERE!"

"this is y/n what happened?! over"

"well Jason and his little gang found me they could bust in any minute now"

"oh um run? oh use that uh uh boat you have I'll be there as soon as I can! after I wake everyone up"

"so helpful right now meet me at skull rock!"

y/n went to go wake everyone up and left Max sleeping but had Steve carry her to the car

"wait we need one car" steve said as everyone was almost in y/n car "fine let's take her car" he said after everyone looked at him and than got in. "alright here's the plan" y/n started "why can't I do the plan?" steve asked "well maybe cause y/n is better at advice and planning than you are" robin said which got agreements "ok take everyone home to get a change of clothes of stuff you need! nothing extra got it? we don't know when we're gonna come back to our homes and we'll pick up Nancy and Lucas as Lucas ditched the jack asses and we go to Eddie and by than it'll be light out and yea" y/n said starting the car "where is he" Dustin questioned "Skull rock have no idea where it's at but I'm pretty sure you do"

They got a changed of clothes got Nancy and Lucas and made a food stop for Eddie and them, y/n was driving, Nancy in the passenger seat, Robin, Max, and Lucas in the back while Steve and Dustin is in the trunk. Talking about something. They soon pulled into the woods and got out the car. Dustin used his compus which ended up not working and led to Steve and Dustin arguing about which way to go eventually they found him and y/n ran up hugging him knowing he's safe, Dustin than hugged him.

"Alright enough with the hugs" Steve said "what took you guys so long?" Eddie asked "well we had to get Nancy and Lucas than Steve and Dustin over here we're fighting on which way to go" Max answered

y/n went to go sit down next to Eddie and they both looked at eachother than to Dustin as he's walking around

"hey uh Henderson's not uh cursed is he?" Eddie asked concerned "Cursed? no no he's fine, Mental? Absolutely" "BOOM!" Dustin yelled which made everyone look towards him "Bada Bada... Boom" everyone looks at him confused "I was Right! Skull Rock was North!" "Seriously? you're serious?" "mhm"

y/n walked away as they we're arguing and she got lost she heard everyone calling for, but she couldn't find them, so she started running and tripped over a stick and ran into a tree. She did find them by bumping into Steve hugging him tightly

"where the hell did you go?" steve asked grabbing his sisters shoulder not to tight "I-I don't know I just wandered off an-and lost you guys" "holy shit! your nose is bleeding like crazy!" Eddie said noticing her bloody nose "it's fine I just ran into a tree... and tripped" "yea but your nose wouldn't be bleeding out of one nostril" "maybe vecna is getting to her?" "no he's not getting to me it's just a nose bleed no big deal alright" y/n said pushing threw everyone wiping her nose. "well to catch you up on everything Dustin thinks th-" "I know there's another one!" Dustin cut Steve off "he 'knows' that there's another gate like a under water gate so we're gonna go and see" Nancy finishes for the boys.

It was Dark out and they we're getting on the boat which contained Nancy, Robin, Eddie, and soon Steve, Dustin tried to get on but Steve stopped him "there's only room for 3" "wait about me?" y/n asked "even if there is a gate I'm not letting you go it's not safe" y/n scoffed and crossed her arms "bu-but what about Eddie? He hasn't been threw something like this" "I'll be fine, uh here" He got out really quick taking one of his rings off and putting it on y/n finger "alright don't get married till I die" Steve said "I've seen you always eyeing this ring so it'd be better if you have it" "be safe" y/n said to Eddie "you too steve, everyone just be safe alright and let us know if you find anything" y/n said

Steve pushed the boat and got on making Dustin mad, y/n wanted to Date Eddie so bad but she didn't want to take it to fast or rush things and Eddie did too but they had to take it slow.

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