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The lunch room soon was filled with teens, there was the jock table, theater table, science table, D&D table, etc. y/n sitting with her friends Max, Robin, and Nancy. Max was talking about something but y/n wasn't paying attention as she was poking her food with her fork.

"Did you even hear me?" The red hair asked "something about Lucas" the girl poking her food said "besides boys will be bugs that's why robin is gay" the girl added and robin smacked her arm.

The attention soon went to the long hair boy in a hellfire shirt standing on the table.

"As long as your into band, or science or parties" the boy said looking at the tables "OR GAMES WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKET" he yelled putting his hands around his mouth "want something freak?" A blond boy said getting up and the long hair boy knowed to be Eddie Munson made devil horns with his index finger and made a weird devilish sound.

"See that's an example right there" the girl with short dirty blond hair said to the red hair max "it was kinda funny" the girl with h/c said getting up "I'll see you guys around" she added "where are you going?" Robin asked her friend "talk to Dustin and mike and to the art room to finish a poster for the game tonight" she answered

y/n walked up to the table where everyone had a 'hell fire' shirt on and started talking to two boys there known as Mike wheeler and Dustin Henderson.

"So I won't be able to drop you off after school since I still have to finish things up for the game tonight but if you stay after school maybe you can help me before your little D&D game and maybe some of your friends can help too" she stated as she looked around the table towards everyone there "oh but I can drop you both off after" she added "well wheeler and henderson ask the girl" one of the boys said sitting at the end of the table getting a confused face from y/n "would you be able to join our D&D game just for tonight to fill in for lucas?" The boy Dustin asked "yeah I mean you watched us play and you know how to! come on y/n please!" Mike begged and y/n sighed "you know I would, but you know I have to do the thing for the game, and I always have to do it plus there's like no one else filling in for me" y/n admitted "but I have to go i'm sorry I would if I could"

The girl walked away and went to the art room as fast as she could even if she had the rest of her classes out to finish things.

With Eddie

"it's my year! 86' baby" Eddie said getting down from the table "She knows how to play huh?" He asked directing towards the 2 boys. "well yes and no, she never played before" The one with braces stated "but she knows how to, she used to uh babysit us when we we're younger but she doesn't know only my little sister!" Mike added to the conversation

As y/n was sketching an idea for the new skirts she got a flashback to last year. 


the Mind flayer was just about to kill y/n as she slowly opened her eyes billy went infront of her and El

"BILLY NO!" y/n screamed as she laid there just waking up from when she passed out next to Eleven. She witnessed her friend dying infront of her tears fell from her eyes she went over to his now dead body "billy come on wake up! billy no please no wake up! for max! billy!" she cried. 

Ever since than she always blamed herself for his death.

End of Flashback

y/n wiped the tears from her eyes now relizing she got the paper messed up with tear drops. She dropped on the floor and held her knees close to her chest and put her head down. Shw was trying to breathe but couldn't she didn't have her mixtape on her like she always does which calmed her down but her friend Robin had it. Just as Robin walked by and notice y/n and she slightly cursed under her breathe 

"hey y/n shhh it's ok it was just a flash back it's not your fault" her bestfriend tried to comfort but it didn't help 

She did remember that she had her mix tape, she took it from her back pocket and put on 'Blue Suede shoes' by Elvis Presley and left her alone knowing that after she has her headphones and music playing she wants to be left alone. once she calmed she got back up and finished what she had to do.

After school

It was now after school hours and the basketball team was in the gym practicing, cheerleaders getting ready along goes with the Band.  y/n stop bye the band room and looked for robin who looked more nervous than ever.

While with the Hellfire Club Dustin and Lucas we're telling Erica about everyone and their places before they went into a dark room with dim lighting and the game Dungeons and Dragons set up on a table in a classroom

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