-forgive and forget-

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y/n pov 

The end of school came to the end and I haven't seen Eddie since lunch, but I'll go see him when I drop Max off last. I was cleaning up the Art room as everyone waited for me around the Art room playing with things.

"MIKE! PUT THAT DOWN CAREFULLY!" I yelled at mike who jumped and almost dropped it "let's go everyone in the car now" I said as everyone started leaving the class "y/n you seem like a total mom right and even the whole day. Are you pregnant?!" Max gasp saying the last three words and my eyes widen "you're not pregnant, are you?" Lucas asked "no I am not pregnant now get in before I leave you to walk home" I answered

I dropped everyone off leaving me and Max in the car left. I dropped her off and just drove to the other side of the trailer seeing Eddie's Van knowing he's here. I notice his uncle outside smoking and gave him a nod which he returned. I walked inside after having a small chat with Mr. Munson and went to Eddie's room knocking softly

"I said I'm fine!" he somewhat yelled with hurt taking over his voice. I walked in and saw him facing down his face his pillows and went to go sit next to me.

"Eddie" I said softly

Eddie pov

"Eddie" she said softly, and I knew it was y/n, my y/n. I sat my head up a bit as she stroked my hair "I'm sorry" she continued, and I sat knowing I should be the one saying sorry not her. She Faced me and scanned my face seeing my dried tears and tears starting to form again. I brought her onto my lap and she hugged me with me hugging back "don't be I'm sorry for being a dick and shitty boyfriend and lying to you, it's just that I don't think I'm perfect for you anymore" I admitted with her cupping my face "your not a shitty boyfriend nor are you not perfect for me, your just right love" "hey I found out I had powers and would be from a Lab and you still stook with me didn't you?" she added and I nod a yes "so odds are your dating a girl with super powers well not really as they only occur when I'm angry but who cares and I'm dating a freak a hot freak to add" she stated 

I couldn't help but kiss her. I fell back causing her to fall with me so she's onto of me while I grabbed her waist. I switched her so I'm on top and she's on bottom not breaking the kiss

"EDDIE I'M HEADING OUT TURN OFF THE DAMN PORCH LIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED" my uncle yelled causing y/n to chuckle and I roll my eyes

"can we watch a movie?" I asked breaking from the kiss "we have school" she answered "but" I trailed off "but?" she questioned "we can watch one than we can leave to your house" I answered smiling "eds no one liked being in the cramped car" "but I want to see you!" "you can in the morning first thing when I get to school" "bu-" she cut me off putting her finger on my lip "no buts I have to study and you do too we can have like a study date after school!" "boringg" I said dragging out the 'g' "or how about we take my van! it has a lot more room" "fine" 

I jumped in excitement and threw her over my shoulder making her laugh. I love her laugh it's like music to my ears. I had one arm around her waist and my other hand on her ass just so she doesn't fall or other reason. 

Once I sat her down on the ground, we both into my Van drove to her house. We got there and I waited rocking back and forth with my arm around her waist waiting for her to unlock the door, on que it was unlocked and walked in to see Steve sleep on the couch. y/n ran to the kitchen, and I followed behind her to see she had a marker and handed on to me. 

"come on" y/n said with a smile, we both went to steve and drew on his face than went upstairs to her room 

"so" "so?" "I have a dnd game Wednesday you should come" I said crossing my arms "mm I dunno know my schedule might be full" "I think you can clear some time for your boyfriend" "alright I'll go" she admitted smiling making me jump up and down happy 

She has now idea on how crazy she makes me. 

I got bored so I walked around her room looking at the pictures when one caught my eye, It was one with y/n and Will inside of a weird looking thing (castle byers) and they both have a twizler trying to cut it with a stick and someone had took the picture catching them off guard and they looked so young in the picture. The date this was took was 9-14-83.

"hey uh y/n what we're you and byers doing in this picture?" I asked as she walked up next to me and of course I had to wrap my arm around her waist

y/n pov

As eddie was asking what me and Will did in the picture I softly smiled remembering that time.


"hey will can I come in?" I asked knocking on 'castle byers' "come in" Will said softly

I crawled in with twizlers in my hand giving one to will and me "so I was thinking we can stop by your mom's job on our way to the Arcade bring her some lunch" I stated as Will took the last Twizler as he nodded in response "we can spilt it" Will said noticing the last Twizler "it's hard to break" I chuckled "we can use a um stick!" "I don't think it's going to work but we can try" 

We both started cutting it, I was holding the Twizler while Will was trying to cut it. We we're both laughing when Jonathan came and knocked on the door but we we're both focus when he opened the door. He shot a picture of us and asked what we we're doing which made him more confused on us cutting the candy with a stick. 

I ended up taking Will to the store and we brought a new pack and went to the Wheeler's house.

end of flashback

"your weird Harrington" Eddie said "yea well I have a lot more embarrassing stories Munson" "can I braid your hair?" "what?" "I asked Nancy to teach me and I want to try and braid your hair" he admitted, and I shot him a look of confusion but brought out my hair stuff for him

I sat in between his legs as he started braiding my hair and talking and to say he actually did good till Steve screamed making us both laugh.

"Eddie hurry up before he comes out!" I said as Eddie tried to start his car and it started when Steve came out Marker all over his face, his hair with spray paint in it along with it messed up. I couldn't help but laugh so did Eddie.

"oh he's so going to kill me when I get home"

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