-girls only-

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the next day / 3rd pov

The group of girls came jumping on y/n bed which made both y/n and Eddie groan being woken up

"Sorry not sorry to ruin your sleep but like we said y/n is our girl and we're taking her so get your lazy ass up munson and go with the boys" Nancy said jumping down from the bed "no no we can hang later or tomorrow or give me 5 more minutes" y/n complained putting her head back on her boyfriend's chest "what she said" Eddie added. 

y/n than got dragged off the bed by Eleven and Max and they pushed her into her closet picking an outfit for her

"What the hell! we we're busy!" Eddie exclaims "make out sessions another time but we're taking her, have fun with only Jonathan I guess" Max said from the closet "now out!" The girls pushed Eddie out of the room, and he flipped them off walking downstairs and leaving to go hang with Jonathan and the two will probably get high. 

The girls got y/n ready, or y/n got herself ready and they left to the mall. "How come I didn't get warned about this?" y/n asked trying on sunglasses "we did but you fell asleep, and I thought Steve would have told you, I mean he is the one who answered the phone" Robin stated "well he is a dipshit and doesn't tell me when I have messages" y/n said rolling her eyes

The girls did a little fashion show trying on different things, but none fit y/n or Robin's aesthetic, so they all left to go thrift shopping as that's what the two girls like to do than go to the mall. Once they finished the girls went to a diner to get Ice cream and talk. 

A waitress came over to their table on roller skates taking the girl's order and rolled away but the girls notice something seemed off with their friend. 

"Hey you, ok?" Max asked El "y-yea just a bad memory" El stuttered out "what was it about" the girl with h\c asked "when I was in California, I had bullies" the brunette with shortish hair that's growing back started "Angela? Will told me about her" y/n asked getting a nod "and I was at a roller-skating place with Will and Mike" the girls we're listening to her as she talked caring for her "and I hit her in the nose with a roller skate" she finished looking down fiddling with her fingers and everyone's eyes widen "Holy shit! that's badass!" y/n said happy "like total badass more badass than badass ever" Robin added rambling "bitchin?" El asked her friend group and they all said 'bitchin'

The Ice cream came, and they all ate, talking and laughing. "so Eddie still do drugs?" Robin asked y/n out of the Blue "no he promised me he wouldn't do any" the girl replied

After a while the girls went to Nancy's house and had a bunch of fun. y/n put a record on Nancy Record player and 'girls just want to have fun' started playing and they all danced around. y/n taking pictures for her polaroid wall that's almost covered in pictures of the people she loves, I mean she even has picture books after picture books.

"GIRLS YOUR SNACKS ARE READY!" Nancy's mom Mrs. wheeler yelled, and they all raced downstairs at sat in the living room taking the TV from Mr. wheeler and put 'the outsiders' on. Ted would have moved if he wasn't sleep. 

After the movie ended, they kept on watching some movies and everyone went home before sun sets. 

y/n got home and kept trying to Call Eddie but got no answer, so she decided she'll just go to his trailer.

Max went home to see her mom cleaning the house up a bit. She grabbed some food and went to go feed the dog that she goes and feeds.

When Jane went home, she went up into her room and put her bags down and went downstairs to get some water when she saw Jonathan talking to a plant which made her curios "Are you... High?" she asked, and Jonathan turned around "huh? or no just um yeah, I am but don't tell mom!" He said shaking his hands and Jane shook her head and went back to her room.

Robin was staying over at Nancy's house as the two girls got closer. The girls we're talking but Nancy didn't know Robin had a crush on her but she was taken by Jonathan which things aren't really going well for them as for collage and Nancy soon finding out that Jonathan does drugs and get's high but enough about boys it's girls night!


Short little fun chapter w/ y/n and her girl group hanging out! 

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