-y/n house-

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This starts in y/n pov!


I unlock my house door and see Steve in the kitchen with his toothbrush in his mouth


"you couldn't finish brushing your teeth?" I asked my gross brother who went to the bathroom and came back out with no toothbrush and took out one of my dr. pepper's

"Steve put it back you know that's mine" I said sternly "alright fine" He said but opened it anyways "you sick son of a bitch" I said

I went to my room and changed into comfortable clothes as i'm not much of a Pajama person. I turned on my record player and put my Madona disk on and went to my desk to sketch but everytime I would sketch it would turn out to be the Mind flayer taking my friend billy's life. As soon as "justify my love" came on I taught about what Billy told me and Steve 'Make sure the boy is the right one cause if he ends up breaking your heart, I'll kill them" I smiled while biting my bottom. I always seen Billy as a brother to me but another guy came to my mine.


Ok to admit he was really good looking and he wears these really cool rings two of them we're like skull rings and another one was a pig ring and his smile oh his smile was just so nice I could stare at it for days.

No snap out of it y/n, I can't be thinking of that! I got up and stopped the record player and took out the record and put it with my many other records turned off my fairy lights and went to bed but I couldn't sleep. I stared at the stars in the dark sky and slowly let my eyelids shut.

The nightmare
Fireworks we're being thrown at the mind flayer as I was on my knees screaming and crying hoping Eleven would wake up it was no use she wouldn't wake up, my eyes we're blurry my vision sucked ass and everyone was yelling at me but I wasn't listening as I looked up I seen one of the Mind Flayers tentacles came toward me and my eyes Widen as it came closer to me. I didn't know what I froze.

I was going to die.

Oh so I thought, Billy stood in front of it before it came closer and killed him, I screamed and cried and I was shaking so badly not even the people I love or my favorite song could come me down.

My best friend died trying to save me and El.

The firefighters and ambulance were here everyone was cover in a blanket their mom or family hugging them, I couldn't find Steve anywhere at all. I asked people no one seen him. I felt like crying but I didn't have any tears left from the events that had just happen.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice that sounded like my brothers, I shot my head up and saw Steve. I ran towards him and hugged him really tightly and he rubbed my back

"I-I thought yo-you died too" I stuttered out "You really thought? Your stuck with me forever" Steve joked and I laughed a bit "I love you" "I love you too lil sis"

End of nightmare
I shot up from my sleep shaking. I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water and Steve came out with his hair all messy and it was funny.

"What's so funny?" He asked having not one clue on why I'm laughing "your hair!" I somehow managed to say.

I grabbed my Polaroid camera and shot a picture

"Give it to me!" My lovely brother said "nope and it'll go on my wall" I said running to my room "YOUR LUCKY ITS 2 AM" he yelled.

I laid down back in my bed having a soft melody from my record player play and fell asleep ready for tomorrow.

The next day


I lazily pulled my blanket over me and dropped my legs my feet touching the my soft carpet so I was in a sitting position basically and rubbed my face tired as I barely got any sleep last night but I had to get ready for the day. As I was brushing my hair the phone started ringing I would yell at Steve to get it but he left already so I had to get it.

"This is the Harrington house and y/n is speaking"
"I hope it's not to early for you to start heading over"
"Oh no your fine I'll be there in 10"
"ok bye bye"

I grab my bag which contain my mixtape with headphones, snacks, Polaroid camera that I take with me I have 2 just Incase something happens to the first one and other important stuff, grabbed my keys and left to the wheelers house. Once I got there I knocked on the door and waited till Ted mr. wheeler opened the door

"Do you ever think of taking her somewhere else" Ted said "do you ever think of not watching tv all the time?" I remarked

I went in and saw chaos Karen yelling at Nancy, mike trying to find his suitcase and his mom also yelling at him Ted watching tv not caring and holly playing with her lite bite. Once Mrs. Wheeler saw me she apologized for the Chaos they soon left leaving me and Holly alone. It was around lunch time almost and we ate a snack watching whatever cartoon was on than went to Family Video.

"So holly do you want anything from 7-11?" I asked as I was getting gas "can I come in with you?" Holly asked quietly "yea sure come on" I said taking the gas pump out and locking my car door.

We both went in and got slushies but there was this one weird guy like when I say weird, I mean weirder than my brother using hairspray even when he goes to sleep. I paid for our slushies, and we left on our way to Family Video we got there, and I saw Max and Dustin looking for something on the computer.

"what are you guys looking for?" I asked as Holly went to the back of the room "something happen yesterday when Chrissy was with Eddie" Max answered and confusion ran all over my face.

Max and Dustin filled me up and said we we're going to this Rick guys house tonight. I feel bad cause I was shit to her in middle school and when I actually try to change things she dies, and we would have been good friends too. Me and Holly went back to her house and played around till her mom got back. 

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