-Dear Future self's-

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y/n pulled up next to Eddie's Van and got out of her car walking up to the trailer door and knocking on it waiting for the door to open to see Eddie's uncle leaving to work they exchanged nods and y/n went in and went to Eddie's room and saw him High

"WHAT THE HELL EDDIE?!" the girl yelled trying to control her anger. Eddie looked up at her knowing he broke a promise "you promised" y/n said quietly "I know I just found some and I- I'm sorry" he apologized to y/n who now had tears in her eyes.

Eddie got up hugging her but she pushed him back "I-I can't Eddie let's talk when you don't break promises alright?" she said about to leave before Eddie grabbed her hand "I'm sorry I truly am alright?" she stayed quiet "god damn it y/n! look I'm sorry like truly sorry I know I broke a big promise but this is the only time and I won't ever do it again darling I'm so so sorry please forgive me" He stated feeling tears coming to his eyes

y/n hugged him while he cried into her shoulders "please promise me you won't break anymore promises?" "I promise" he stiffled.

The two went to go lay down on Eddie's bed, Eddie laying in his favorite spot, in between y/n thighs arms wrapped around her waist and to admit he loves when y/n plays with his hair no matter what, if he's sad, angry, high, tired, happy, any emotion or action he has he finds in calming when she plays with his hair.

"hey eds" she whispered and he hummed in response "what if we get the whole gang together tomorrow and record something to our future selfs?" She taught of "sounds nice" y/n smiled and tried to get up "wait wait where rare you going?" He asked complaining "making some calls come on!" y/n said grabbing Eddie's hand but he threw her over his shoulder and laid her back on the bed and started tackling her which led into play fighting

"Alright I give up but we're calling them first thing in the morning" y/n said pointing her finger and Eddie bit it "OW! Son of a bitch" she yelled tackling him "I taught you said you gave up" Eddie asked "that was before you bit my finger!" "It looked tasty" he shrugged and got a playful eye roll from y/n.

The two finally settled down and went to sleep

The Next day the couple woke up and got ready for the day well y/n had to go back to her house to get ready, but they left after she made a call to the group but Steve since well, she lives with him. Eddie and y/n went back to y/n house so she can get ready, and everyone was meeting up at the Wheelers house.

After 30 minutes of waiting for Steve, he finally arrived with Max who had just got of the hospital early due to her feeling better and able to walk normally again.

"Bout time you know I would have been faster than you even picking up Max" y/n said from Eddie's back as he was giving her a piggyback ride and Steve rolled his eyes and Max walked down the stairs.

y/n got off of Eddie's back and went to hug Max tightly but no to tight, soon everyone had their hugs with Max and y/n was setting up the camera "everyone ready?!" y/n asked with everyone's replies as 'yes' 'yea' she started recording setting a 3 second timer and went back on Eddie's back.

"This is a video for our future self's!" y/n started talking "it is 12:36 pm on Wednesday, April 20th 1986" Nancy added after y/n "y/n Harrington! And Eddie Munson! Im 18 and Eddie is 20" The two said "Eleven or Jane hopper and I'm mike wheeler, Max mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Oh? Oh! I'm will Byers!" They all said Will getting confused "and I'm Dustin Henderson! We're all 14 and 15 years old!" They all said at the same time "Steve" steve said getting a glare from his little sister "no I'm not doing that stupid shit" he added "do it." y/n said throwing a pillow at him while the camera is still recording "alright fine Steve Harrington, 19 years old" "Nancy wheeler! and Robin Buckley! And we're both 18 and 19 well I'm 18 and Nancy is 19 so that'll make sense" Robin and Nancy both said "I'm Erica Sinclair and I'm 11 years old and better than everyone I'm this room" Erica started and everyone said her name in sync getting a 'just the facts' from her 'and I'm Jonathan Byers 19 years old" he finished (idk if this is all true as I looked it up and didn't get much specific answers so don't come @ me)

Everyone soon join in y/n back on Eddie's, Max on Lucas's, Robin on Nancy's along with Steve and Jonathan in the back while Jane, Will, Dustin, and Erica In the front y/n counting down from 3 where they all shout 'AND THIS IS FROM VECNA'S CREW 1986!" They all laughed and y/n got down and ended the Video making sure the save it to the camera.

"Steve needs to lighten up some more" y/n blurted out getting agreements "you need to be more serious" Steve shot back hands on his hips "I am serious" y/n scoffed getting offended "alright lil sis than look me in my eyes with a straight face, no laughing smiling, snickering, or anything"

y/n and Steve stared at each others eyes some of the other teenagers in the room making bets on who loses. y/n wanted to laugh so bad but know she couldn't. It's been almost a minute now and y/n was on the cliff of laughing or even making a smirk not even a few seconds she started laughing out of nowhere. The people who lost their bets had to give the other person what they owe, and Steve rolled his eyes and his dumb sister but was happy for her that she's not going through what happened with Vecna and hoping she never gets angry and will someone with her powers.

Everyone went home knowing there's school tomorrow and it's only the weekend but, on your way, to drop Eddie off you got into argument with Eddie for something stupid knowing it was about the drugs Eddie still had after he said he gave them all away, but he was hiding some just to get for one more night, you ignored him the rest of the way there dropped him off and tears started pouring from your eyes as you drove home hoping to forget the night. Yeah, you didn't like Eddie doing drugs as you overthink, he might overdose or get to addicted to the drugs his uncle would send him off to Rehab or he might die as some people die from Drugs. 


This chapter sucks ass and y/n seems like a bitch or wtv but I'm not re-writing this chapter, so I'll have to go along w/ it for now also I'm thinking of doing y/n x Eleven hopper and there will be 4 books to it which consider season 1-4 if I do, do the book so let me know if I should

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