-Eddie's house-

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In Eddie's pov

I was surprised when Chrissy the cheerleader asked me for drugs, I mean who would of thought that she would. We both got out of my Van and went into my and my Uncle's house who isn't home at nights

"sorry it's a bit messy" I said while looking for the drugs she needed "do you know where it is?" she asked me "uh yeah I do just give me a sec" I said walking into my room and found it in a draw. "Hey sweetheart" I said kissing my lovely guitar and walking back out to see Chrissy standing there and her eyeballs we're all the way back.

Now that is some scary ass shit and the lights started flickering. I started shaking her but that did not work apparently

"Time to wake up! Hey?! hello?!" "Can you hear me?!" "Wake up Chrissy!" "Wake up Chrissy! I don't like this!" "chrissy!" I panicked saying slapping her face not to hard "chrissy! chrissy!" She soon starts to float and flaots up the the celling.

What the hell.

She's floating and her arms and legs kinda go all wonky and weird with her bones snapping and her jaw breaking. I didn't know what to do so I just ran out got in my Van and went to the only place I thought of my friend Rick's house and hid there for hours and hours I pretty much ate almost all of the food

Few hours later where everyone shows up.

I heard voices coming close by very very close and someone started poking me so I grabbed my knife jumped out and attacked them or not depends how you want to call it.

3rd pov

As Eddie jumped out and Attacked Steve everyone screamed not knowing he was really in there. Dustin tried to calm him down to let go of Steve.

"Eddie I swear on my mom's life that we're on your side" Dustin said to eddie so he can trust them "right guys?" "y-yea on dustins mom's life" Robin said stuttering. "look Eddie we just want to talk and know what happens but we can't if you don't let Steve go" y/n said softly going up to him and he moved the knife and Steve went to the other side and Eddie sat down "you won't understand" Eddie said "try us"

Eddie explained everything to the group of kids.

"well -well I only went threw it uh once b-but it's like sorta kind-kinda crazy" Robin rambled "yea it was crazy and traumatizing, lost my bestfriend, Cried for long I wanted to cry but had no tears, sore throat from screaming, you know this isn't about me but it was scary" y/n stated "we're gonna go see anything that happened stay here we'll be back tomorrow morning" Steve said "but someone needs to stay with him" "I will" y/n said "no no you are not absolutely not y/n! Steve said worried about his little sister "Steve please I swear I'll be ok and I let you know threw the talkie if anything goes wrong" "alright fine, if you get hurt y/n I swear even a cut you will be by myside got it?" "got it"

Everyone left the two and the two went into the house.

"So I guess this is one way to get to know eachother" "I guess so" "what's your favorite song or songs?" Eddie asked wanting to know a lot more about y/n "um I'll have to say Blue suede shoes by Elvis Presley" "huh funny" "what's so funny Munson?" "you don't seem like a Elvis Presley girl princess"

y/n froze at the word 'princess' but shook it off

"so have you had your first kiss" Eddie asked randomly "yea 6th grade but it was for some stupid dare which resulted into us dating" "was it harrington?" Eddie asked not knowing they we're related "ew! gross! no Steve is my older brother! even if he wasn't I still wouldn't date him!" y/n said feeling like puking "holy shit! I'm sorry I-" "no it's fine" "wait so how come your not 'queen of hawkins high'" Eddie asked waving his hands around which got a small laugh from the girl "well for first things first just because he was 'king of Hawkins high' well before my friend came along doesn't mean I'm gonna be the queen and I don't do that stuff I'm always busy hands are always full" she said shrugging

They talked for hours and both ended up falling asleep on the couch but Eddie woke up in the middle of the night to get water to notice y/n already there in the kitchen drying her face off and leaning on the counter with her headphones on but her left ear headphone part is off and behind her ear

"hey you ok?" he asked concerned for her "oh uh yea just a nightmare" she answered taking off her headphones and stopping her mixtape "want to talk about it?" "pretty sure you don't want to hear it" "no I do I'm all ears" and that's what she did, she told him everything "and ever since I would have nightmares and I usually take some type of pills but I stopped taking them since they we're shit and didn't work and I can't go back to sleep without a soft melody in the background" she said yawning "well how about we go back to sleep?" He asked tilting his head "the sun is rising" "right"

The boy and the girl was just sitting on the couch watching the morning cartoons when the news came on talking about Chrissy death and y/n looked towards Eddie who had a nervous look on his face so she turned off the TV and sat in front of him

"Hey Eddie it's going to be ok they're gonna make sure they don't know its you and if they do" she trailed off "they're gonna kill me or send me to jail" "no no not going to do that we'll clear your name, I'll make sure nothing happens" she smiled which caused Eddie to smile

Eddie was admiring her beautiful e\c and her perfect lips, her amazing lips he just wanted to kiss and that's what he did. Y/n was shocked at the action but kissed back but that got interrupted by the door swinging opened and shut where Steve, Robin, Max, and Dustin stood. Steve with a annoyed look knowing it was a bad idea Robin and max with shocked faces and Dustin was just Dustin

"Any who we brought you food and we have good and bad news" "which first?" "Bad news first always" they told Eddie the bad news and good news "hunt the freak right?" "Right" "So before it happens we find vecna and kill him than prove your innocence" Dustin said "that's it?" Eddie asked "wait how are we even going to find him?" y/n asked "while you guys talk about that y/n outside" Steve said and they both went outside

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