-guilty and Jealousy -

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y/n pov

It was Monday which meant it was time for school. Which in my offense I didn't want to go knowing I had to see Eddie which I'm still pissed at him, which is stupid I know, he's like a drug dealer that's fine but when he does the drugs, I just don't like it. I had got ready and went downstairs fixing me a bowl of cereal which was made quickly as I was eating it, I turned around to see 6 teens in my living room forgetting I take those 6 teens to school. Wait how did they even get here and in the house?

"How did you all-" I was cut off by Max "Steve and he said next time don't forget about us" I slowly nodded and went back to my cereal which soon got took away "hey! I wasn't done with that!" I exclaimed as El to the bowl from me "we're going to be late if you don't hurry up!" Will complained "alright alright meet me in the car. Max starts the car and DO NOT DRIVE THE CAR! that goes for all of you" I said pointing to them and went to grab my shoes and brag

I left the house locking the door as I see everyone in the car. Will in the passenger side. Max, Lucas, and Dustin in the middle seats with El and Mike in the back back seats. We Arrived at school and to say they jumped out before I even but the car on park

"So eager for school" I mutter as Will was still in the car getting a confused look from me "I'm joining the Art club remember?" He asked looking at me and my eyes Widen "oh shit right!" 

Monday for me is not going good, forgetting to pick them up, forgot about Will joining Art Club, let's just see what else I have for Monday. 

We both got out the car and headed towards the school, Eddie trying to talk to me, but I ignored him not wanting to, but I did. We got to the Art room, and I set my stuff down along with Will doing the same. 

"Meetings are more in the morning but if I'm not able than it'll be after school" I started off unlocking the Art room door "when are the meetings?" "Sometimes Monday but I'll let you know, Tuesday's and Thursday's mainly I'll be in here in the mornings getting the room ready, sometimes during lunch and after school cleaning and closing" I stated with a huff and received a nod from Will "oh and I need your shirt size for the Art Club shirt, and I'll have it to you by lunch" I finished "can I stay in here till the bell rings?" Will asked and I nod 

We we're both getting the room ready for the Art Club members who come in during their free periods, we have 2 Art rooms in Hawkins High, one for regular Art students who take Art as a subject and the one for the Art club.

"y/n" "yeah?" "What are you going to do with the Art Club after you graduate Highschool?" "well, I was thinking of being an Art Teacher but I'm still going to run the Art Club it's like a job for me but I don't get paid" I explained "what if you change your mind? I mean you can't you've always been the Manager of the Art Club ever since I've met you" Will admitted and I bit the inside of my cheek

Well, he does have a point I always was since Middle school

I sighed and answered him "well I'll pass it down to you" "really?!" His face lighted up "yea now come on not only you but I'm also going to be late to class" I said on que as the bell rang 

Skip to Lunch

As I sat down with the girls at our table, I glared over and didn't see Eddie who's usually there. It's no big deal he's probably just ditching. After I talked with them, I forgot I had Will's shirt ready. I grabbed it out of my bag and went to his table and saw Eddie was there, but he looked like he was crying? I felt bad for him honestly, but I just need space for one day at least than I'll talk to him. 

"hey will here's your shirt and you'll meet everyone Tuesday after school" I said giving him the shirt and walking back to my table sitting down and everyone looked at me "what?" I asked eyebrows narrowed "Is he ok? I mean he looks like he's been crying and honestly, I- We never seen him like that, and you guys haven't talked like at all today and he didn't get on the table and remind everyone that your his like he does all the time and we steal you from hi- o my god did you two break up?!" robin rambled like always "okay no we didn't break up I just need a break for a day cause a lot happened just this weekend alright" I said as some guy approached on table "he belongs to anyone?" I asked as he was standing by me and everyone shook there head of course how can I honestly forget

Robin is gay, Nancy and Jonathan, Max and Lucas, El and Mike and Me and Eddie...

"uh my names Jaxton and I was wondering if I could join the Art Club?" "I-I just moved here to" 

that's why he looked so unfamiliar 

"oh uh yeah I can take you to get your shirt and stuff" I said grabbing my bag "see you guys later" was the last thing I said before leaving with Jaxton feeling pairs of eyes on me. I turned my head looking over my shoulder and saw Eddie looking at me and Jaxton walking away with Jealousy in his eyes. 

Eddie's pov 'starting from this morning'

I got out of my Van walking up to y/n who ignored me, and I felt my stomach fall and become injured badly from the cartwheel it was doing when I saw y/n. She doesn't do this whole ignoring me.

Maybe it's just a prank?

I tried talking to her again, but she did it again and continued talking to Will walking away.

I felt guilt for what I did, I knew she hated me doing drugs and I stopped doing drugs when I met her and we started dating and everything but being away from her made me want to do drugs. y/n was like the cure to stop me from doing drugs and when I'm not with her I do them. 

My first 4 classes went through with me crying not paying attention at all, I wanted to ditch but I couldn't if I wanted to graduate and get out of this shitty place. 

Lunch had come but I couldn't let anyone see me Eddie Munson crying. I went to the bathroom splashed my face with water and went to join the rest of hellfire table at Lunch. I kept looking at y/n every once in a while, and as soon as I saw her get up and walk towards my table, I sat up straight but all she was doing was giving Will a T-shirt for her Art Club. 

I saw this kid walk up to her and she was leaving the lunchroom with him looking back at me than turning away. I felt Anger and Jealousy rising threw me So I got up and followed them. I looked threw the Art room window on the door and saw them laughing.

Maybe I'm not perfect for her. 

I walked out of school ditching the rest of school to lay in my bed and cry it's what's best for me isn't it? Besides having y/n there to comfort me like she always does. 

Maybe she'll talk to me tomorrow and maybe if I cry myself to sleep than tomorrow would come quicker and she'll talk to me and everything will be ok.

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