-dogs are like kids-

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I was jp w/ y'all Eddie didn't get stab also sorry last chapter was short this one will be longer

y/n pov

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I know it's your day and I didn't expect that to happen at all" I honestly said making Eddie get up "It's fine princess I'm just glad your ok" Eddie admitted "can we get a dog?" I asked "you know dogs scare the shit out of me" "please?" I whined giving Eddie the biggest puppy dog eyes I can "fine"

I knew he would give in.

We left the house and went to the pet store. I was looking at the puppies not sure which one to get but one caught my eye it was a y/d/b (your dog Breid)

"Can I see this small guy?" I asked and the girl gave me the puppy "Eddie this one, she's it" I said

We got a few simple things as we're kinda low on money, but we got food, food and water bowl, 2 dog toys and other simple stuff for right now.

I was playing with y/d/n (your dogs name) while Eddie was driving

"why couldn't we just have a kid?" Eddie asked out of nowhere "well dogs are like kids just better and easier and you wouldn't be the one breast feeding the kid" I stated looking over at Eddie than back at our puppy.

We got back to the house and let y/d/n walk around. Me and Eddie played with her for a bit after Eddie stopped screaming every time, she would walk to him or chew on his hand.

"I'm going to bed I'm tired" I told Eddie getting up "wait I wanna come too!" Eddie complained and I laughed "your like a big baby" "I'm your big baby than"

Me and Eddie walked to the room with y/d/n following behind us but I picked up her.

"does she have to come with us?" Eddie complained again "yes she's our baby"

We did what we had to do and went to bed, y/d/n laying on Eddie's stomach and he's slightly freaking out "she loves you love calm down" I reassured

I turned to my side to face Eddie and his face was soft again.

The next day / 3rd pov

"where is it? where?!" y/n whispered looking for her car keys trying not to wake Eddie up but failed "what are you looking for princess?" Eddie asked in his raspy morning voice "my car keys I had them one second than when I go feed y/d/n I lost them!" y/n ranted "I'm going to be late for work!" Eddie got up and hugged y/n "we'll find it just calm down" "yeah yeah your right"

The two looked around for her keys to find it by y/d/n food

"thank you I'll see you later bye!" y/n exclaimed leaving but Eddie grabbed her hand "your forgetting something" y/n made a confused face "my kiss silly"

y/n playfully rolled her eyes and gave Eddie a quick kiss but that wasn't enough for him

"Eddie I'm gonna be late!" y/n told as she pulled away from the kiss.

5 years later

y/n and Eddie had four kids, triplets and one older son all named, Axel the oldest who's 5 turning 6 soon and the triplets are 9 months Eliena, Elvis, and Eds they didn't want to do Eddie jr for Eds as he looks a lot like Eddie than y/n. Eddie wanted a kid named after his wife's favorite male singer (one of her favorites) as Eliena it was just a normal name. Yea y/n and Eddie got married.

Robin and Nancy been dating for a year. Steve still can't find the right one and y/n teases him for that knowing it's been 5 years. Will went to y/n as she was the first one he came out to than everyone else. Max and Lucas finally went to the movies. Eleven and Mike said 'I love you' to eachother and Will got over his crush when he started dating someone else and is happy. Jonathan went to the collage he got accepted to, and Erica is just Erica.

Everyone was meeting up at the Wheeler's house as they did 5 years ago. y/n set up a projector and went to go sit next to Eddie who pulled her on his lap and everyone watched the little project y/n put together over the years.

"For everyone watching this I just want to say thank you for being in my life and I love you all. It took me awhile to put this together but with the help of Jonathan and Robin I was able to finish let's just say this is us from the past from when we first met till now. I love yo- AXEL GET DOWN FROM THERE RIGHT NOW! AXEL I SWEAR NO CANDY FOR A MONTH! 'NOOOO MOMMY! I WANT CANDYYYY' (-Axel complaining) THAN GET DOWN! anyways sorry about that I'm just going to get to the pictures and videos. AXEL ROSS MUNSON GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! 'your still recording' (-eddie pointing out the obvi) shit"

After the speech of the first part the pictures and Videos started playing and there would be a few laughs here and there.

Memories was filled with happiness and excitement, some we're stupid some we're silly and more.

I guess it's true what they say in books, everything was a happy ending

the end

I know I'm sad this book came to an end too but maybe I might write a second book maybe idk hope u guys enjoyed it and tysm 4 the votes and everything ! feel free to ask me questions like a q&a about stranger things or irl and I'll answer them in the comments or make an extra chapter to this book to answer those questions

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