-is it so normal now?-

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y/n ran down to Eddie putting his head on her lap her hand holding his Tears in her eyes hoping she doesn't lose another loved one

"Come on Eddie wake up please!" y/n said her tears getting heavier and her vision soon giving out "I didn't run away this time y/n" Eddie said softly smiling "we know, me and dustin are proud of you" "your my hero" Dustin said crying too "Eddie please don't go please I love you!" y/n admitted kissing the back of his hand "please Eddie" y/n said softly "please" Dustin added

y/n pov

Eddie's eyes closed and I couldn't take it I mean I lost 2 of the people I loved in 2 years because of Vecna. I checked his pulse he was still breathing but my vision and hearing started to blur out as soon as I heard everyone running my hearing went back to normal I tried to Pick up Eddie but it was hard but Steve helped me knowing how much I love Eddie, we all went back and the Gate closed, We took both Eddie and Max to the hospital and all went home after, as much as I wanted to stay with Eddie I had to go home, Shower and change into different close.

All that Matters to me is that Eddie is ok and that we cleared his name.

As me and Steve we're driving back home I saw him look over to me but I just look out the window and felt his hand on my shoulder than moved his hand back to the steering wheel

"it's gonna be alright everything is back to how it was" "normal?" "well I wouldn't say normal but it's back and he's dead" "but what about my powers? what about Max and Eddie?" "your powers only occur when your angry right? so you'll have to be careful when mad and they're gonna be ok Max is going to be in there for a while but Eddie will be out by next week" "I hope so"

We got home and went to our rooms

"hey y/n/n" Steve said before going into his room and I looked at him "just promise me you won't ever use those powers of yours on stupid things" "if that means not on you than I can't promise" I smiled softly so did Steve "god I miss that smart mouth" "what can I say? I'm better than you"

We both said our goodnights and I took a shower and the events played in my head over and over, I got out and brushed my teeth noticing my necklace still has the ring on and I smiled remembering the special person who gave it to me. I went to bed and to say I slept perfectly without nightmares but they're gonna come back soon.

Me and Steve started making our way towards the wheelers to help get things to bring to the school where people are staying at cause their houses kinda well not even kinda it burnt down. We got out of the car and I went inside to see if they need help with anything

"y/n hun" Mrs. . Wheeler called out and I went over to her hands in my pocket "I can't believe you lied to me and the cops" I honestly didn't want to lie to her but it was the best choice there was "I know I'm truly sorry I just didn't want my boyfriend going to Jail for something he didn't do but I promise and swear I won't lie ever again" I confronted and she pulled me into a Hug and I hugged back "uh anything I can help with?" "there's a box in Mike's room if you can grab that for me"

I nod and went to Mike's room but once I open it Robin scared me

"HOLY SHIT ROBIN!" "yo-you should of seen your face I mean it was horrifying! honestly I never thought I would scare you"

Robin kept rambling like always and I smile as we walked out the house I saw mike, will, El, Jonathan and some random dude in a surfer's boys pizza.

"Long time no see byers" I said smiling and Will ran and hugged me, and I hugged back. "missed you so much y/n" Will said

Me and will we're close even if we're some years apart we we're still close I'll always play D&D with him if the others wouldn't, and it was a lot of fun with Will and Jonathan would be the ass he is and would take pictures. I always wrote to him ever since he moved.

I than got a hug from Jonathan and El but not Mike because I'll see him every day till I graduate highschool but I would still have to drive him to school.

"who's the dude in the pizza shirt?" I asked "Argyle and your outfit is cool man" he said, and I nodded

"Better seeing you in person than in someone's mind El" I said after the silence and I got confused looks "funny story Vecna took me, told me I had powers which are only caused when I have anger and I was able to help El in Max's mind" I said while nodding "cool two girls with superpowers" Argyle said "is he high or something?" I asked Will and he replied with a 'yes'

I rode with Argyle, Jonathan, Eleven, Will, and Mike in the Surfer's boy pizza Van to go to the hospital to visit Eddie and see Max later, we got there, and We went inside and I told them where Max's room is while I went to Eddie's which is 3 rooms down and saw he was up drinking something. I knocked on the door with a soft smile while Eddie gestured for me to come in and I shut the door behind me.

"How do you feel?" I asked sitting in the seat by his bed and he sat up "like honest wise or lie?" "mm I think I would like honest wise" "than I feel like compete shit and the food here is nasty plus I want to go home" he admitted "you only have a few days left" Eddie grabbed my hand in his and intertwined our fingers together playing with my ring "true but we'll have to go back to that stupid school" "yea but it ends soon so that's good" his smile than faded away as I said that "what's wrong? did I say something wrong? if I did I'm so sorry love" I said worried "no you didn't it's just what if I don't graduate?" "Trust me you are we're both going to graduate, and maybe we'll live up to your dream and get married I promise"

We both smiled and Eddie pulled me into a deep passionate kiss but that got interrupted by

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