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3rd pov / 2 months later

It was graduation day for the older teens leaving high school. y/n was happy not her but for Eddie I mean he passed this year and won't have to relive high school. Eddie and y/n brought a house together with a puppy. Joyce and Hopper are engaged and soon El will have a whole family.

After the Graduation everyone was planning on meeting at Family Video, but y/n and Nancy said everyone should meet at a Diner after.

"ready?" y/n asked Eddie who looked really nervous "hey it's gonna be ok besides you actually did it eds and everyone is proud of you, it's your day love" she comforted him and he started crying a bit hugging her burying his head in the crook of her neck and she tried to calm him.

After Calming him the couple left to Hawkins high school

Once they got there they walked where the other people who are graduating are. As everyone got called and got their diploma, It was now Eddie's turn he walked into the Gym flipping the principal the bird and snatched his Diploma running towards y/n who stood there laughing.

Everyone threw their hats in the air and Eddie kissed y/n without her knowing but kissed back.

Everyone met at the Diner but than got kicked out about how loud everyone is being so everyone was meeting back up at y/n and Eddie's house for a pool party as it was pretty hot, Steve was going to do the BBQ after everyone forced him to, Nancy and Robin in charge of snacks like popsicles and chips mainly the older kids we're in charge.

Everyone Arrived and jumped in the pool soon playing chicken fight y/n on Eddie's shoulder Robin on Nancy's El on Mike's, Max on Lucas while Will just sat out and y/n notice making robin push her down laughing.

y/n felt like she was drowning, she opened her eyes and saw no one there just a black room, she looked around screaming for people's name and no one called back

"We meet again" A deep scary voice said making y/n jump and look around.

Soon came out 001 aka Vecna "no-no your not real I-I killed you-" y/n stutter "or so you thought" "st-get away from me" y/n said trying to use her powers but forgetting it only works when she's angry.


"I-I really didn't mean to drown her, I mean she c-could be de-dead and it's all my fault and I just didn't mean to o my god, it's going to be on my record! "Robin Buckley drowned her bestfriend y/n harrington play chicken fight" and that would not look good" Robin kept on mumbling

"ROBIN JUST SHUT UP!" Steve yelled "she's still breathing, we can just give her CPR, I'm not doing that because she's my sister Eddie" Steve clarified

"oh I-I don't know CPR, don't pay attention in heatlh expect for the se-" Eddie said but Steve cut him off

"I got it and maybe i-if she wakes up her not dying won't be on my record" Robin rambled giving CPR

back with y/n
"This isn't real- your not real" y/n said stumbling on nothing
"Your right, wake up y/n your friends are calling for you"
After 3 tries Nancy checked y/n pulsed and she was still breathing but she didn't wake up. Eddie was panting around hoping she would wake up.

y/n shot up gasping for air as everyone came towards her. She had a scared face and was breathing heavily

"I-I saw h-him I-S-sa-Vecna b-but he was-wasn't real" y/n stuttered looking for Eddie who was looking at her with a soft expression but also worried

Everyone went back inside and changed into clothes that they bought or wore and ate soon leaving and its only y/n and Eddie as it's their house

y/n felt bad for Eddie as it was his day, his graduation day. 

"eds" y/n spoke Eddie looking up at her from her Lap "I'm sorry" she added "for what?" He asked "for this" she whispered pulling a knife out and KILLED HIM 

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