-spring break comes to an end-

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We both smiled and Eddie pulled me into a deep passionate kiss but that got interrupted by

We got interrupted by the byers, Mike, and Argyle at the door and pulled away

"oh um Eddie this is My friend Will and E-Jan-El" I didn't know what she wanted to be called "El" she answered for me "and Argyle who I just met and of course you know Mike" I said "Guys this is my boyfriend Eddie" "Looks like Dustin owes me 20 bucks" Mike said "wait you guys bet on me and Eddie?" "n-yea-no no we did but also didn't?" "your a asshole" I said getting some laughs "we wanted to see if you'd come with us to Hopper's cabin and clean it up a bit?" "yea sure I'll be there in a second"

They left and I said bye to Eddie after a minute went by and we started our way to the Cabin once we got we all took a look around coughing from the dust

"well we better get started" I said going by the record player and put 'walking on sunshine' on the record and went to help El in her room. I started dusting off while humming the words until I found a picture from when me, El, and Max we're hanging out having a sleepover with the date and year on it "I thought this would be gone forever" I said holding up the picture and El got up walking towards me "I kept it you guys are my friends" I smiled and hugged her, and we danced around while cleaning till a car pulled up and out comes Hopper and Joyce.

I went out of the room as Hopper came in

"nice seeing you again hopper" I said while he gave me a side hug "must say you got taller than I lost saw you" "whatever" I rolled my eyes walking away to see Joyce hugging her boys and I smiled knowing my mother wouldn't care for me like that as she doesn't give a shit about me or steve.

Few days later Spring break is over

Spring break is now over, the byers moved back to Hawkins and therefore Joyce and Hopper are dating. Eddie is now out of the hospital and to say he was a big baby about it to, He complained to me how horrible it was and the bed was not comfortable at all. I ended up falling asleep thanks to Eddie cuddling me for hours only time he got up was to use the bathroom but I'm not complaining I love Eddie so much. We go back to school tomorrow and everything is almost back to normal, and Will joined the hellfire club after I convinced Eddie to let him join. I will sometimes sit with Eddie at his table and by sit, I mean sit on his lap as he steals my food and talk about D&D otherwise, I'll sit with Robin, Nancy, Max, and El. Oh and Robin and Vicki are almost a thing it's complected to them both is what Robin is telling me.

Me and Robin we're getting ready with Robin rambling about something. The doorbell rang and Steve yelled at me to get it.

"y/n we're you even listening?" Robin asked following me "uh yea you said something about you and Vicki but there's another girl that you like and she's 100 percent gay, but you don't know if you should date her, or Vicki and I say go with your heart" I said about to open the door and once I did, I seen a happy Eddie "Eddie?" Robin asked confused "I thought we we're meeting at school?" I asked, "yea but I wanted to drive with you, and I walked her for the record" "you know I have to pick up Mike and Dustin" "and Will along with Eleven" Robin added "and Lucas!" Steve said coming downstairs "I'll ride along" Eddie said "good luck squeezing everyone in the car" Steve remarked "good luck getting a girlfriend that you can keep for a few months" I replied walking out the door after grabbing my bag and leaving Eddie trailing behind me with his arm around my waist which still gives butterflies to my stomach.

I picked up Mike, Will, El, Dustin than went to go pick up Lucas since Max is still in the hospital for a few more weeks. Everyone was squished so Mike and Eleven went to the trunk. As I was driving, I felt a hand with cold rings on my thigh and I looked over to Eddie who had a smile on his lips.

"do you have any clue how much I love you y/n?" Eddie asked and I smiled blush creeping up on my face "since it's Friday I say we watch movies and spend the whole weekend together" "uh we're still in the car mr and mrs Munson" Max joked and I rolled my eyes than they went wide as I notice what she called us

We got to school and everyone went their ways expect me and Eddie was still together walking and talking with his hand in my back pocket. We walked to my locker and then his going to our classes for the day.

Lunch finally came around and I sat with the girls today. As I was talking, I felt eyes on me not like any other pairs of eyes Eddie's pairs of eyes, I looked over to him and he looked like he was about to do something stupid, and I gave him the look telling him not to, but he did anyways


"Looks like someone is obsessed with you" Max joked "shut up" I said throwing a fry at her "HEY EDDIE!" Robin and Nancy yelled "guys don't not right now" I said clearly embarrassed, Eddie looked toward them as they were both on our table now "Y/N IS OURS NOT YOURS!" Nance yelled "YEA WHAT SHE SAID DICK HEAD!" Robin added

The three of them got down from the table after getting yelled at by a teacher to get off the table and Eddie gave them a look saying, 'it's not over' and I laughed at the event that just happened but was embarrassed at the same time. Eddie came over to me putting his hands on my shoulder kissing my neck

"She's mine girls not yours mine got it?" Eddie asked pointing to me "the war just begins" Robin said giving him a death stare.

I look up at Eddie who smashes his lips on mine, and I kissed back than food was being thrown at us

"Get a room!" El said along with the the others

Eddie grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the lunchroom leaving both of our tables eyes wide but I couldn't help but laugh besides we just went in the hallway and talked but talking with our lips connected when we're not even talking and just kissing.

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