-time for battle-

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y/n was sitting on the grass watching Eddie and Dustin acting like kids and looked towards Steve she had to tell him.

"hey Steve, can we talk?" she asked getting up "everything ok?" "yea up you know how you said that you'll support whoever I date?" y/n asked steve fiddling with her fingers "yea?" "Well me and Eddie are" "dating it's quite obvious now, as long as your happy" Steve said hugging y/n "I'm gonna go back with Max" y/n walked back to the RV and went inside "ready?" y/n asked sitting next to her "I don't want to die" she admitted to the h/c girl "me too and I'm scared if any one of you guys die knowing I won't be able to defeat him" "maybe you should try your powers out get used to it?" "yea your right, wanna help me get some stuff to practice with?" "hell yeah" they both laughed and grabbed useful things in the RV 

The 2 girls went a bit further but everyone can still see them, y/n tried to focus but it didn't help at all it was useless 

"wait how did you throw him again?" Max asked her friend "anger why?" but than it hit her "alright make me mad but don't stand infront of me" 

Max tried to make her mad and it work everything went all over the place

"holy shit" Max said "wait you did that?" Erica asked "uh yea I did" "that was hot" Eddie said "hey hey hey! just because you two are dating doesn't mean you can call my sister hot infront of me that's gross" steve said removing one of his hands from his hand and y/n rolled her eyes "alright let's go and kill this son of a bitch" 

Everyone gather in the RV again and started making they're way towards Eddie trailers y/n was bouncing he leg up and down and Eddie put his hand on her thigh to calm her nerve. They Mad it to Eddie's trailer and moved the cover and laid down the bed sending the rope up and it went down into the upside down, Steve spilt them into groups of 3 Lucas, Erica, and Max going to Creel's house, Steve, Nancy, and Robin together and that leads y/n with Eddie and Dustin to try and get into Max's mind like El does. 

"Please y/n please be Safe alright? I can't lose you, yea you are an asshole sometimes but your still my sister and I will love and protect you till I die" Steve stated hugging his sister "god steve I'm not supposed to be crying but I love you too and I'll stay safe I promise" y/n said wiping her tears away and pulling away from the Hug "you guys all be safe too please" "we will" 

The two groups left leaving the trio alone

"great now I'm third wheeling" Dustin said "I'm going to get ready for when it's time" "be careful princess don't want to lose you when I just got you" "you and Dusitn are the ones that have to be careful" the three went to the room so Eddie can get his guitar and Dustin can grab the speakers 
"hey Eddie if things don't go right I just want to let you know I love you" "I love you too y/n" 

y/n pov

Eddie grabbed me by the waist and kissed me it was a passionate kiss we pulled away foreheads touching catching our breathe 

"You know since I first met you, I thought you would be my girlfriend which did happen and we'd get married some day and live our happy lives until we get old and die" "is that really what you thought?" "yes, yes it is" "well I never thought you would have a soft side" "only for you sweetheart" "alright go I have to get ready" 

Eddie left the room and I started grabbing things out of my bag that Reminds me of Max so it'll help me get in her mind, I sat crisscross and waited till they we're ready

The surfer boys pizza place / 3rd pov

Eleven was also going into Max's mind to help her but what she doesn't know  is that y/n has powers like her. Mike and Jonathan was holding her back as she went into the pizza dough freezer that was now filled with water and Salt.

A few moments later both y/n and Eleven was in Max's mind, y/n had spotted El who than spotted y/n

"y/n?" El questioned "El" "h-how can you do this?" "I just found out quick story I got took by Vecna, told me I had powers and here I am, but we have to save Max she's in trouble"

Soon the 2 girls we're in the snowball Dance from Middle school y/n gave El a look saying to take care of Max as she took care of Vecna

"So this is how we're playing now?" y/n asked making herself float along with Vecna "I told you leave her alone" El than joined y/n and they both used their powers to push him through the bleachers and they hurried back to Max "are you ok" the two asked 

With everyone else

Once Eddie got the signal he started playing 'master of puppets' to bring all the demo bats by his trailer, the demo bats started coming closer and they inside the trailer and grabbed the trash lids and spears, Dustin and Eddie but their backs against their backs and moved around

With Max's mind

El and Max we're tied up and y/n no where to be found, y/n saw El and went over to help her but it was useless and Vecna notice y/n and sent her away and she was now in the Star court Mall and the same memory and nightmare played and she stood there watching Anger, regret, Sadness, lots of emotions went threw her head and out came Vecna, y/n used her powers making him float and threw him outside than went outside where he was and started choking him with her powers than seeing him on fire and hearing gunshots knowing who it was she threw him really hard again

In reality 

Vecna flew out the window and the group ran down stairs and saw him laying there dead his body soon disappearing. 

Meanwhile Dustin came in and shook y/n who had a panicked look on her face

"y/n let's go it's eddie!" Dustin exclaimed and y/n got up they both ran to where Eddie was and saw him laying down tears in both y/n and Dustin's eyes

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