Chapter 7 - Dustins Plan

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Eddie's pov -

"Seriously how could I be so stupid Dustin?!" I screamed annoyed at myself. "Chrissy doesn't even know the full story!" I said sitting down running my fingers through my hair.

"What do you mean? What's the full story Eddie?" Dustin asked curiously. Eddie looked away. "Eddie, what's the God damn full story?" Dustin said annoyed this time.

"Okay, okay, Mike, he threatened that if I didn't cheat on Chrissy he would get El to do something. I don't know what, but I know from what I've heard she's gonna listen to Mike." I said looking up at Dustin.

"Son of bitch Mike!" Dustin said in an angry tone. "Mike is so stupid, I can't believe this! He would do anything to ruin relationships so he can hook up with people. You need to tell Chrissy the truth." Dustin said as he stood up in front of me, I looked at him confused. "Basically I'm gonna get Robin alright? I'm gonna get her to bring Chrissy here. Even though Chrissy won't like it, Robin will probably force her sooo it's all good. And don't worry, you have me and I'll make sure Mike gets what he deserves, unless you want to." Dustin said happily.

"Alright, and I'll definitely give Mike what he deserves! I mean come on the dude is 15 man ain't no way he would get Chrissy." I said as I stood up and got the walkie. I handed it to Dustin and he started talking....


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