Chapter 19 - The Nightmare

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Eddie's pov -

"Chrissy, Chrissy where are you?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, no response.

"Chrissy hates you and is now dating me." Jason said as he belted out laughing while Chrissy laughed at me to.

"Chrissy... no." I started to sob. Everybody continued to make fun of me.

Then I woke up.

"It's okay Eddie, shhhh your okay, I'm right here." Was all I heard as my eyes fluttered open. Chrissy was cradling me in her lap like a mother holding a baby. She was running her fingers through my hair and her hand was wiping away the few tears on my cheek.

I was breathing really heavy and crying. "C- Chrissy?" I questioned through tears.

"Yes sweetheart, its me, I'm right here." She said as she comforted me. "Wanna tell me what happened?" She asked, I nodded.

I fiddled with the rings on my fingers. "It was a n- nightmare. You were.. uhm, you..." I whimpered, she nodded as a sign for me to continue.

"I- you were d- dating Jason and h- he was laughing at m- me and so w- were you an and they m- made fun of me." I sobbed out.

"Hey, hey shhhhhh, it's okay, your okay. I promise I will never leave or hurt you and I will keep you safe, okay?" She said as she rubbed my cheek and continued to run her fingers through my hair.

"O- okay." I said as I started to calm down. She leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I got you, your safe." She said as she rubbed my cheek and played with my hair.

I started to blink more, feeling my eyes get heavier. "It's okay, rest now, I got you sweetheart." She reassured me.

I fell asleep holding her hand while she ran her fingers through my hair and hummed my favorite song.


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