Chapter 17 - Tough Times

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Chrissys pov -

I woke up to a thunderstorm happening outside. I had slept till 7 pm that day. I assumed Eddie went to hang out with friends so I got up and grabbed some honey nut cheerios.

While I was eating Eddie's van pulled up to the trailer. I was cleaning my bowl and Eddie walked in, he seemed to be very off.

"Hey Ed's, how was your day?" I asked him, putting my bowl in the sink. He walked over. "Are you okay?" I asked, he didn't reply. "Are you high or drunk, I can't tell." I asked with a giggle thinking he was just joking, I would soon realize he wasn't.

He walked passed me and grabbed a beer. "Babe, are you okay?" I asked now getting concerned. He turned to me, now I saw he looked very drunk.

"Y- yeah I'm good." He slurred out taking a sip from his beer.

"Babe you can't just walk inside drunk after drunk driving, are you crazy?! You could've gotten hurt!" I shouted grabbing the beer bottle out of his hand. He now looked angry.

"Hey! Give that back now bitch!" He shouted trying to grab it, I flinched. "What you scared?" He questioned, I looked at him with tears.

"Ed's-" before I could say anything he pushed me and walked to his room. I got up and wrote him a note.

I sat through tears writing this. I grabbed my stuff and walked to Max's trailer.

"Max!" I banged on the door. She should be there, it is only 8. She soon opened the door.

"What's- Holy shit are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Uhm yeah... can we talk?" I asked through tears, she nodded and let me in.


"And then he just went to his room and shut the door." I said. "I wrote him a note, I hope he gets it." I said.

"What does the note say?" Max questioned.

"Well... let's just say... I'm gonna need a new place to stay." I said as I started to sob more.

"Oh I'm so sorry." She said knowing exactly what u meant. "You can stay with me for however long you need." She said softly. I smiled at her as we settled in and I quickly fell asleep.


Eddie's pov -

I woke up and my head was bounding. I eventually realized everything from last night. I remember very hardly what I did.

I then went to the kitchen and there was a note. I opened it. There was what to be a teat stain and... Chrissys handwriting.

I opened it and what I read left me heartbroken.

Dear Eddie..

Hi. It's your girlfriend who you just pushed to the ground very harshly. I'm sorry if I did something wrong that made you want to go out and drink. It pains me to have to do this because I love you more than anything in the whole world. But, I can't let something like that happen again. I'm sorry, but I think we should just break up for good. I love you Eddie Munson. <3

                     Chrissy <3

I sat there in shock for a minute. At what had just happend, at what I had done.... no, no, no. I started to throw things, I started to shout and yell at the top of my lungs curse words. I went to my room and grabbed my walkie.


Chrissys pov -

I heard the walkie going off so I opened it, it was Eddie. I shook Max and made her listen.

"Dustin! Please man answer!" Eddie said, he sounded distressed, upset, sad, angry. Everybody was probably listening but it seemed like Eddje didn't care.

"What man, what's up!? You okay?" Dustin said sounding concerned.

"No, it's me and Chrissy man. I- I'm sorry." He said as he sounded like he was crying.

"Uhhh Robin and Steve are here, talk to them." Dustin said. "What's up man, you okay?" I heard Robin and Steve say.

"N- no, I did something stupid." Eddie said.

"What did you do?" Robin asked.

"W- well, I got drunk last night because I have been feeling down lately about everything a- and I came home and I- I." He couldn't finish his sentence, Robin and Steve waited patiently. "I got m- mad at C- Chrissy and n- now she l- left, I think she went t- to Max's h- house. B- but it doesn't m- matter because she's g- gone now and it's a- all b- because of m- me." He sobbed, I started to cry to.

"Eddie, it's gonna be okay. If Chrissy wants to talk to you she will, for now, stay calm and do not drink or smoke or do drugs, okay?" Robin said.

"O- okay." He said through tears.

I got up and started to run to his trailer, max tried to stop me but I just ran. Who was I kidding? Me and Eddie can fix this together. Eddie is home I can't just leave him. I have to help him. I ran until I was out of breath and in a matter of seconds I burst through the door.

The house was trashed, pillows were ripped, blankets and hats were everywhere, the couch was even flipped. I looked to my side and there Eddie stood at the end of the hallway.

He started to sob more. "C- Chrissy." He whimpered. "I- I'm so sorry!" He said as he fell to the floor on his nees. I ran over to him. I sat in front of him, my hand on his nee. "P- please forgive me! I- I can't l- lose y- you Chrissy please. I n- need you Chrissy." He pleaded while he sobbed.

"Eddie, look at me." I said, he did as instructed. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed his forehead. He melted in my touch. "Next time something happens or you are upset with yourself, talk to me, please." I said, he nodded.

"I- I'm sorry." He whimpered out as he sobbed. "C- can I hug y- you?" He asked.

"Of course you can, you never have to ask sweetheart." He looked into my eyes and a small smile came onto his face as he started to cry more. He hugged me tightly.

I sat on the floor, him layed on top of me, hugging my waist and sobbing. He kept saying "chrissy I'm so sorry" or "I promise I'll be better". I played with his hair and rubbed his back. "It's okay." I reassured him.

After about twenty minutes he calmed down. "Now can we talk please?" I asked, he nodded. I grabbed his hand and led him to his room where he sat on the bed. I stood in front of him and held his hands, he looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

"Eddie, I love you so much, okay? But, I think it's better if we stay clear of eachother for a little while." I said, I saw tears start to form and one fell from his eye. I put my hand on his cheek. "I know i- it is hard for m- me to, but I promise we will find eachother again. For now, go have fun and be happy and maybe if you want e- explore your options." I said as I started to cry to. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I love you my sweet Eddie Munson." I said as I hesitantly let go of his hands and walked back to Max's trailer.


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