Chapter 27 "Wintertime"

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Chrissys pov -

It was now snowing outside, but school was still in because most of the kids could walk to school and sense the town is so small they shoveled all the roads for cars and busses.

Eddie was currently heating up the van while I put on some clothes for school. I grabbed grey sweatpants and a white, cropped tanktop. Then I put on my tennis shoes and grabbed my backpack.

I was used to the cold, me and Eddie both were. But when I got outside it was colder than I expected.

I decided to play it cool so I didn't look like a baby about it and not bractically beg Ed's to give me his jacket.

I got in the van and it was all warmed up. We soon pulled up to school and me and Ed's went our separate ways.

The classrooms were freezing all day. After lunch I was bractically ice. I was at my locker hurrying to get my books and freezing while I was at it.

"Hey sweetheart." I heard from behind me.

I tried my best to stop my jattering teeth. "Hey Eds." I stated, I quickly ran off to class before we could talk anymore.

After school I practically ran to Eddie's van, but he was not out there yet.

I would have to wait till every one left. I stood by the pole and let out a heavy breath trying to warm myself up.

"Princess you ready to go." I heard Eddie call from behind me. I ran into Eddie's arms as fast as lightening and embraced his warmth. "Woahhh, sweetheart your freezing! Why didn't you tell me my love?!" He questioned concerned as he took his jacket off.

"Be..because I didn't wanna bo..bother you about your j..jacket. I figured you w..would need it." I studdered out through my jattering teeth.

"Baby doll, if you even need my jacket ask me. I don't care how cold it is just take it in fact. If I'm in the hallway catch up or call my name and my jacket will be all yours. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine." He stated, I looked up at him and smiled as he put the jacket on me.

I hugged him again buring myself into his chest. "Your warm." I stated as I hugged him closer.

"Your cold." Eddie chuckled back.

We soon made it to the car and sat down. It was warm and I was tired. Now that I had Eddie's jacket i felt a wave of tired wash over me.

"Here my love." Eddie stated as he leaned my head on his shoulder.

I felt him kiss my head as I quickly passed out.


I woke up later and started to sneeze, I probably caught a cold.

"Bless you sweetheart." Eddie says in a low raspy voice.

I looked behind me to see Eddie spooning me.

"You caught a cold my love and I'm gonna pretend I got it to so we can stay home tommarrow." He stated.

I just turned around and nunzzled into him.


It's not proof read sorry its short, I have been gone ik but school is kicking my butt. I will try to upload more!!

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